Newbie..alot to lose..but so much more to gain!

Hey..just created my profile..I have a LOT of pounds to lose.. but oh so much more to gain.. a healthy body, enjoying time with my hubby and wonderful kids, life in general.
This journey isn't new to me, I've lost and gained, and lost and gained again.. I have a year and 4 months till I turn 40.. and I don't wanna be dragging this tired body around !!


  • Ltrautman80
    Ltrautman80 Posts: 47 Member
    I hear you girl. I've had success with weight loss in the past, but never stuck with it. The 2x I was doing great, I ended up becoming pregnant and tossed my weight loss out the window. My heaviest was 250 lbs and that was back on June 5th. Since then I started exercising and eating healthy and as of August 5th, i'm down 19 lbs. i would love o drop down to 125 lbs.
  • mocchioni
    mocchioni Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, my name is Mark and wanted to add you as a fiend for support. I have been on MFP for about a year and have used it off an on in the past. I never used the community section but I can see how it will help.

    I wish you luck with MFP.

  • cjgrudi
    cjgrudi Posts: 6
    I'm hoping the message boards help me too!
  • flutterby1228
    flutterby1228 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I can use all the friends and support I can get! And will do my best to help support you back!! :)
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Don't think of it as losing weight so much. Think of it as becoming healthy and defending your body against disease. I'm just a little older than you and I need to lose weight and certainly want to look like myself again but I find it easier to make good choices when I think about what the bad choices could lead too.
  • mjohnson1999
    mjohnson1999 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am new to this program too. I just found out about this site today with the help from my new diet coach. I have tried all kinds diet plans and nothing has stuck. I always give up. So today, I went and met with a diet coach that will help me stay on track. I am a product junkie. So when the new diet pills and drop programs come out.. I am the first to try and always give up. but now I have finally hit rock bottom and I am the heavies that I have ever been. I am only 4'11 and am 175lbs. I really need to get the weight off and show my daughters how to live healthy. I have watched my older sister for the past 4 years loose 100lbs and keep it off. I just need the support from people like you guys too keep me in check and I think this is the place. I wish you all the best and look forward to keeping track with you guys...