Too Few Calories

I've been noticing on most days when I finish my food log it says I am getting too few calories. I used to eat a lot of junk and over the past month have switched to eating mostly healthy foods with the occasional splurge (but in smaller portions) so that I don't feel deprived and eventually binge. I don't feel overly hungry at all. But I am worried about this because I know if I don't get enough calories my metabolism will slow down. Any suggestions? Or ideas of healthy snacks that will give me some extra calories?


  • Apriiilxx
    Apriiilxx Posts: 10 Member
    I am in the same boat girlfriend! I've noticed the same exact thing and would love some answers!! Hahaha
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    I try to eat fresh cut up vegetables, fruit, low fat cottage cheese, light string cheese, or almonds. I try to mix it up so I don't get tired of the same things over and over. I eat healthy - I'm not on a diet and I don't deprive myself. If I get hungry, I eat something, but I usually eat something healthy. Now and then I eat a treat, but in moderation.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I never eat as many calories as they want me too. I would be eating constantly. For example for lunch I had 1/3 a cup of spicy pinto beans, 1/2 cup beets, 1/2 a cucumber with vinegar, 1 med tomato with a tbsp of lite mayo and 3 oz of grilled salmon. Plenty, but only 316 calories. I eat what I need to not feel hungry, if I get a headache, I know that is my body telling me I haven't eaten enough. I have stopped eating wheat as that makes my blood sugar go to high. I thought I would miss it but I don't. I like all the veggies and fruit carbs. I can eat a whole lot more of those for the carbs and not get hungry, for the amount in 2 slices of bread or a cup of pasta.
  • alhunt8587
    alhunt8587 Posts: 157
    Exactly, I eat when I am hungry....not just to be eating. Yet it still says I am getting too few calories. I feel like I am eating plenty, its just instead of eating what I used to eat, I am now eating healthier foods that are way lower in calories. I'm averaging around 1,000-1,200 calories per day and it says that is too few. It has my daily goal set at 1,500 calories.