I've joined this morning. I am so glad to have found this site as hopefully it will keep me motivated towards my goal- fitness and weight loss. I have lost 4 stone with slimming world, but have stopped going to group for a few reasons, the main one being fitting it in with all the exercise my husband and I are trying to fit into the week plus looking after our boys. I try to do 4 and a half hours a week, cycling, swimming, dvd's and Kettlercise classes. Next year I want to complete the London to Brighton bike ride and maybe a small triathlon! I plan to start running in January, once some knee problems are resolved! I still have a long way to go weight wise- about 5 stone. But want to be fit and health for the children and as I get older it seems so much more important.


  • NowForTheFuture
    Hiya, it's nice to meet you! My name is Amy. Firstly, WOW! Congratulations on all of your success so far and keep up the good work! Welcome to MFP and I hope you like it here. I joined this site last year and lost two stone, and then for one reason or another, I stopped logging in and put on all of the weight I lost. So, now i'm back again and definitely not quitting this time! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.

    Good luck!
