early 20's, around 20 lbs to loose... anyone else out there?

AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone, I have a couple friends on here that I message with a lot and I LOVE THEM. I am feeling in a rut though and want to try something new. I am in a couple of large challenges but I am not really feel a connection because of how many people are in them.

What I am looking to do is this... find a couple of women kind of in the same place as me but it doesn't have to be perfect of course. I want to do workout challenges each week and also choose one or two of my crappy foods I eat each week to start giving up. Is anyone else interested in doing this with me?

I am 22, I am in my first year of teaching high school history (which is awesome but sometimes stressful), I weigh 144 lbs and I want to get to 130 (135 would be great too). I work out daily (30 minutes usually) but I don't eat well at all. I am running a marathon in October so I need to get my eating in order in the next couple of months. Any takers?


  • I'm interested. but i would rather do it through email - when 100's of ppl join on these message boards - it's very hard to keep everything straight!
    let me know!
    i'm getting married in 14 weeks from tomorrow - so i have a huge deadline!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Thats fine with me, lets see who else joins in. Do you ever send messages on here or we can do regular email? How much are you trying to loose? Congrats on your wedding, so exciting!
  • I'm interested for sure. I'm 24 years old and just got married in October.. dropped about 30 lbs before my wedding but did it in an unhealthy way. I've put 15 lbs back on since my wedding and really want to get on a healthy track before I put all 30 lbs back on! I'm also interested in keeping in contact through e-mail, I've just started using this site regularily and have trouble finding the same news feed and blogs sometimes.
  • what if we added each other as friends on here.. would we be able to keep in touch that way? I've never added a friend on here so I dont know how it works???
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :happy: Hi! I'm in! I'm 21 and weighh 150 lbs I want to weigh 139lbs don’t really like joining the groups on here either as I tend to lose the threads as I’m in UK and they get posted at different times and also agree about the numbers of people in the groups!! I’d be happy to email too…
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Great! We can keep track through becoming friends on here. I will friend each of you. I will also send all of you a message. I don't mind using my regular email either (just don't want to post it here) so I will send it in my message. If you send me a message back with names/goals/your email I can send it to everyone.
  • Hi:) I'm interested! I am 27 and weigh 148. I am trying to get down to 130 also, but we're also trying to get pregnant so I'll be happy if I make it down to 135-140 before that happens! I have a thre year old and 5 month old so finding time to exercise is the hard part for me. I hate the watching what I eat too, but can do it. The exercise part I try to do during nap time. After my first was born I joined a gym that had childcare which helped a lot. Here they are all way too expensive so I'm stuck trying to workout with the kiddos. Once it warms up a little I want to start walking and maybe even jogging. I am awful at running, but a lot of my friends here do marathons which has encourged me some. I have a goal of doing a 5K if I'm pregnant this summer and a half marathon if I'm not pregnant.
  • Hi! I just joined today, and i'm interested too :happy: I am in school, but the school is so big that its hard to find someone to work out with because of our class changes and everything. I am 160 now but was 125 in highschool. I think that was a little low, but my happy weight is about 135 and i would LOVE to be back there!! My motivation is being in shape to play pickup soccer whenever i want...without having to sit out from being out of shape. My other goal, like cavwife82, is to do a race this summer ! :-( I know you guys started emailing already...do you mind if I jump in on this?- MissyGee :glasses:
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