In need of support

I have always felt bad about my weight. In high school I was a size 8 and sadly I thought that was fat. All my high school friends were tiny. Now I am a size 16 and I want to be an 8 again. My family doesn't offer a ton of support because they think I am fine just the way I am. I joined MFP about two weeks ago and I really love the support everyone gives. I need more support. I would love more friends because that means more support. :)


  • Hi!

    Sounds like we are pretty similar... I am also a size 16, looking to get down to a size 8/10 ... but i dont want to push it if thats not even attainable anymore!

    I'd love to buddy-up, that's the best thing about the site... more buddies, more help, more success! :)
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I never even thought that it might not be attainable. I am going to try my best. I wanted to lose 20 pounds by my birthday but that is only 8 days away and 15 pounds. But I will take the weight I have already lost and run with it.
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    You can do it no problem! MFP turned out to have a great support system. I'm currently in my own funk after losing some weight and for the past 3 weeks I can't shake it.

    I began as a size 18 and I'm now a 14 and 40 lbs lighter. You and I have the same exact high school story.

    I'll add you and hopefully we can do this together!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I have been doing the Body by Vi shake for 2 months with no results. As soon as I joined MFP I started seeing results. I love the support I get here.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Hi I just started here a couple of days ago. I to had the same problem in school. I went so far as anorexia/bulemia for a bit. I never thought I was skinny enough. I think it stems from childhood and what I was taught. Feel free to add me also. I am on daily.
  • billyh333
    billyh333 Posts: 213
    Hey ladies check out getfit4women YouTube channel great advice for anything you want help with the hodgetwins run that channel and they have helped tons of people its funny also let me know what you think
  • Friend request sent! I need major motivation also and I dont get that at home, at all. Others on here, feel free to add me! I also think that its beneficial to have an open diary. It's a great way to get meal ideas from others! Good luck!
  • jbriscoe9480
    jbriscoe9480 Posts: 17 Member
    All of this sounds sooo familiar!! I got sick and gained alot of weight and now trying to lose it. Its SOOO hard!! Im starving!!
  • Feel free to add me. I just started on here this week, it's good to see what i eat everyday and i feel it help me out a lot.
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!