New Mom needs friends to help keep her accountable:)

Hi! My name is Lee, and I'm looking for pals to help keep me accountable for this journey:) I would like to lose 113.2lbs. I'm not going to set a time frame for the weightloss goal, because I don't want to make myself miserable if I don't reach it in time (previous bad habit). I'm also going to hide my scales and weigh myself only once a month, otherwise I will end up weighing myself every day (also a previous bad habit).

A little about me. I'm 30 years old and married to a very sweet man:) Never have I been average or skinny. Never have I been comfortable in my own body. Always have I struggled with my weight. Always have I yo-yo dieted, and ALWAYS have I wanted to be at a healthy weight. June 2012 I became a first-time mom and have a beautiful baby girl. I want to teach my daughter good eating and exercise habits, and I never want her to be ashamed or learn to be judgemental for having an obese mother.

If you would like to add me as a friend, please do so! I look forward to gaining new friendships and helping others with their journey!


  • Bailey94583
    Bailey94583 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, thanks for adding me:) I am on the same journey, in my case I have at least 80 pounds to lose. I am a stay at home mom to a two year old and a 10 month old. My main battles are emotional eating when I feel stressed or bored. I also struggle with self confidence because I used to be much thinner and I just have low self esteem right now. I live in NYC and a lot of the moms are very thin so I feel out of place and judged. I would like to be healthier so that my husband and I can try for another baby. I was way to heavy with my last pregnancy and my health really suffered. I would also love to just feel better and be healthier.

    I have also had my father's health decline this year to diabetes and he lost our childhood home to foreclosure. So, its been tough seeing my father go through this and not being across the country so I am not there to help. Its lead me to more emotional eating.

    I hope that we can motivate each other on this journey and congrats on the birth of your new baby girl!

    And other moms/people who are looking for motivation:smile: feel free to friend me. Good luck!
  • thinlizzy525
    feel free to add me! I'm new also to MFP and find it easier to have friends that are going through this weight loss journey to!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I added you - but I think you're being a little bit "permissive". Seems to me that you need more accountability otherwise things are not going to change.
  • CoffeeJunkieMann
    CoffeeJunkieMann Posts: 95 Member
    I added you - but I think you're being a little bit "permissive". Seems to me that you need more accountability otherwise things are not going to change.
    Isnt that partly why she's here?
  • agentkate
    Hi! I'm in a similar situation! I'm a new mom and I'm struggling to find the time and discipline to exercise and eat right. I feel like I'm always on the edge of complete exhaustion, even though my baby is now 9 months old and sleeps mostly through the night. I want more energy to keep up with her (she is just starting to walk!), take care of the house, and cook good quality, healthy meals. I also want to feel good about myself, confident in my body like I was pre-marriage/pre-pregnancy.

    I want to lose 80 lbs within the next year! I am committing today to start.. Luckily I have a babysitting trade deal with a friend a couple days a week (yay for free babysitting!!) so I can get some quality time in at the gym... and I am also starting with a 3-day sugar/refined carbs and soda fast. I need to get off the sugar cycle since those cravings are what sabotage my efforts!! :)

    I know you can meet your goal!! I should mention that I lost 105 lbs back in 2008-2009... I got lax and regained 30 after my marriage and another 30 with my daughter... so this is not my first rodeo!! I know what worked for me back then as a single, free person... but now I've got to be much more flexible and efficient with my time... and I know I'll need all the support I can get!
  • gabesmom11211
    Mother of a 15 yr old, 13 yr old, and now a 9 MONTH old...... Becoming friends with same motivations (new moms on a mission to loose weight and encourage one another )