I need help from females!



  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    for my choc.. craving I take graham cracker sheets split in half.. and fat free cool whip. and freeze there yummy and low calorie!
  • sugar free chocolate 5pcs = 150cal. sugar free hard candies 1pcs=8cal. i do not weigh myself since i retain about 6 lbs of water which i lose once im done (lol). and veggie chips instead of regular chips. one small bag its like 130 cal. and i lo it. lots of protein and fiber. i workout at a slower pace but i still go in and push myself. i'll be done tomorrow. can't wait ;). oh and i try to stay away from ppl so i dont do something stupid and get fired.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    take a 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter and roll them in 2 tablespoon of oats and put in the fridge.....tastes like candy
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    I'm also the same way. It's so bad. I've researched lighter versions of junk food I crave. I love icecream, so I found "light" oreo milk shakes. I crave salt too, so I found a recipe for "veggie fries" that are like maybe, 60-80 calories per serving.

    Veggie fries in ranch dip made with yogurt...oh my, yum! Total calorie intake is 180ish AND it's packed with protein. The portion is HUGE, too.

    I hide all of my recipes here: http://pinterest.com/ashalyn14/discover-health/
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Something I wanted to add is try not to be frustrated or upset at yourself during that time of the month, you are beautiful and strong and there's no reason to put yourself down or make yourself feel bad just for wanting some chocolate or gaining some water weight!

    I think it's hard for all of us as women, I know I get angry that my body is doing "this" to me but I always have to reality check myself... I am a woman and I have the capacity for life and that's awesome!

    I always drink a ton of water that week because I'm so thirsty, and sometimes I'll make some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (whole wheat flour, egg whites, stevia and classic oatmeal or steel cut) and have a few then give the rest to my friends. I'm pretty sure your metabolism revs up during that time and you burn more calories at rest, so you have about 100-200 calories worth of wiggle room for delicious snacks =)
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    The week before my period is always the most challenging in terms of cravings. When I crave chocolate, I try to stick with dark chocolate. I don't like it as much as milk chocolate but I am less likely to eat a whole bag of chocolates. When I am craving ice cream, I buy a tasty kind that has a few fewer calories and I measure out 1/2 cup (a serving). When I eat the ice cream, I really SAVOR it, let it melt on my tongue, really think about how much a like the flavor. That makes the 1/2 cup a lot more satisfying. I also try to make meals that are very flavorful but relatively healthy. That helps too.
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    I have been having the weirdest period since i've been exercising so hard! Yesterday I was CRAVING arby's curly fries. I was DRIVING to Arby's, and I was like "NO Payton you have snacks at home." So i went home and had half of a cucumber with light ranch and a cheese stick. I was stuffed. When it comes to chocolate I go for the Skinny Cow chocolate crisps. They're sooooooooooo good:) Cucumbers are my chip replacement, but i have seriously limited my ranch. i usually just cut them into thin slices and eat them alone.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I go with the - if i want chocolate, have it - otherwise i tend to crave MORE stuff and worse crap. I also try to keep the junkish type food out of the house during that time. But i need my chocolate (Dark w/ orange bits so yuuum) - i just make sure it fits into my cals for the day and munch.

    Heck..... I've been letting myself have some chocolate everyday for the last month and I've STILL LOST WEIGHT, just plain it into your daily cal level and go with.

    **my tip - i only buy a SINGLE bar or something that has limited calories if i end up nomming it all. Not cost effect and annoying at times, but it really helps cut out the cravings if I don't have immediate access to it**

    I've learned the hard way - if I can't keep myself happy & make it easy enough that I will be willing to do it everyday, I will NOT stay with it and give up. That's why this time I am making changes that I know aren't too far out of my comfort zone and everyday habits, while learning healthier habits at the same time. But, that's me... everybody is different and for some I can see it as a trigger food.
  • clarechieri
    clarechieri Posts: 60 Member
    I figure if I've done good the rest of the month, 1 or 2 days isn't going to ruin 28 others of hard work. If I want a candy bar, for everyone's safety, I'm just going to have it. :) No reason to stress over something like that. And honestly, women need 100-200 more calories per day on the first 3 days of her cycle, so I don't bug about it. Usually my problem is the week leading up, though. And if I want something, I have it, whether it sends me over calorie-wise or not. Life is too short to fuss and stress over something like that! :)

    ^^^ this and it hasn't hindered my loss and saves everyone else from a couple of days of hell!
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    When it's my time of the month, I wouldn't even know it if it wasn't for the obvious reason! I don't crave sweets any more than usual, I'm not moody, and I don't feel crummy!? Is something wrong with me?? I'm not complaining but it seems like I'm the only one not affected by mother nature!!
  • Leah789
    Leah789 Posts: 19 Member
    I crave red meat and chocolate during my period. I allow myself to have a burger, and sometimes a little chocolate too. But no fries, pop, anything else. I find that I get so upset if I say 'no' to myself during that time of the month - cravings so strong! But if you practice portion control, you can have a taste of your craving without going overboard.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I eat bananas and cacao nibs - they satisfy the cravings. And I also watch a tear-jerker movie and cry my eyes out - that releases the tense, restless, irritable, unsatisfied feelings.
  • I usually do a lot of baking that week...but I can alter things myself to be on the healthier side.

    Like Jiffy Oatmeal mix.. makes an awesome oatmeal chocolate chip cookie with reduced fat peanut butter (1/2 the amt called for), egg white (no yolk), and 1/3 cup chocolate chip instead of a full 1/2 cup serving. Puts my cookie under 100 cal and satisfies my chocolate and peanut butter craving. :)
  • I go with the - if i want chocolate, have it - otherwise i tend to crave MORE stuff and worse crap. I also try to keep the junkish type food out of the house during that time. But i need my chocolate (Dark w/ orange bits so yuuum) - i just make sure it fits into my cals for the day and munch.

    Heck..... I've been letting myself have some chocolate everyday for the last month and I've STILL LOST WEIGHT, just plain it into your daily cal level and go with.

    **my tip - i only buy a SINGLE bar or something that has limited calories if i end up nomming it all. Not cost effect and annoying at times, but it really helps cut out the cravings if I don't have immediate access to it**

    I've learned the hard way - if I can't keep myself happy & make it easy enough that I will be willing to do it everyday, I will NOT stay with it and give up. That's why this time I am making changes that I know aren't too far out of my comfort zone and everyday habits, while learning healthier habits at the same time. But, that's me... everybody is different and for some I can see it as a trigger food.


    I know that this time of the month is when I'm especially susceptible to binges (I have legendary binges - like 3000 to 10000 in one sitting). If I indulge in my craving for chocolate during this time, I am more likely to be able to stave off the urge to binge. It also gives me something to look forward to the whole month if I've been a good girl. :)
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I try to resist a little so as not to be too much of a wimp. Got to admit tho if I try to have fruit and other sensible nibbles I usually still end up having what I need. Which means more calories used than necessary. Try and find some small sized snacks, have a biscuit, not the packet - haha. I even enjoy some of the sugar free sweets.Still update your diary as you may be surprised at how few extras you have actually used. Everything is a chore at this time isn't it?
  • ruksha123
    ruksha123 Posts: 42 Member
    cereal or coke zero help me:)
    and drinking a ton of water
  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    Google Jamie Eason's protein bars. She has a chocolate bar that is yummy and it really helps me when I have to have chocolate.
  • I always drink a ton of water that week because I'm so thirsty, and sometimes I'll make some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (whole wheat flour, egg whites, stevia and classic oatmeal or steel cut) and have a few then give the rest to my friends. I'm pretty sure your metabolism revs up during that time and you burn more calories at rest, so you have about 100-200 calories worth of wiggle room for delicious snacks =)

    haha.. I'm not the only one w/ oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Chocolate covered frozen bananas are my once a day treat. They're pretty good for you! Feel free to check out my entry in my food journal for breakfast to see the facts. :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When I'm craving chocolate, I either eat a protein bar that's covered in chocolate, like Special K, or I will get a Skinny Cow candy bar.