High Protein Diet

Trying to keep to my new diet plan 40/40/20 ratio. OMG so hard to stay under my carbs and get my proteins up! I am over already. Does anyone have any suggestion for a high protein diet besides having to drink a million protein shakes a day?


  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    Bump; Interested in the answers as I have the same problem.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I am no help, but I'm on a 30/40/30 c/p/f diet and you're welcome to browse how I do it (lotsa shakes though).
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Eggs, cottage cheese, lean meats, almonds, Greek yogurt, peanut butter
  • staceybrewer
    staceybrewer Posts: 36 Member
    I use ViSalus shake mix and i put it in a lot of things besides shakes. It tastes like cake batter, so I put it in my pancakes (makes a killer protein pancake!), waffles, a no-bake protein cookie, etc. The easiest thing for me is to mix it with OJ in a shaker cup during the day. It tastes like an Orange Julius - remember those??? Anyway, lots you can do with it besides actual shakes. Also, I used K20 protein water in the past. It has a good amount of protein and fiber.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    hmm maybe i will try that shake. I currently use the GNC Whey and GNC Refeed Casein. They Whey is ok. The casein - ugh with a side of ugh.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    What types of foods are you eating now?

    You may just need to swap some stuff out. Are your carbs coming from bad or good foods?

    I would just try to eat real foods and avoid shakes and microwave heat up meals. I gets tons of protein from beans and eggs.
  • Fish Ceviche
    Shrimp Ceviche
    cottage cheese

    As for as protein shakes go, you can get creative.

    1. 1 scoop protein shake mix, half can pumpkin pie filling, add milk/water and cinnimon to taste. You have a new tasty protein treat.

    2. 1 scoop protein shake mix in a bowl, add peanutbutter (I prefer Nutella), oats and milk/water. Then lay them out on ice cube trays or the like. After they are frozen you have homemade, cheap and protein dense Protein Bars made to your liking.

    Just some ideas off the top of my head.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    My diary today is not the greatest - but generally i try to eat every 1 1/2 hours or so - usually oatmeal for breakfast, a fruit for am snack one, a hardboiled egg for am snack two. Lunch i sometimes have to compromise with a heat up thing if i cant get out of the office or a sandwich or something like that, pm snacks - peanut butter and sandwich thin, carrots & hummus. fish or meat for dinner - a protein shake in there somewhere.

    I still cant seem to get enough protein. I thought i was doign well until i changed my settings on this - but it still shows i am lacking.
  • beckystephens
    beckystephens Posts: 117 Member
    I like this idea a lot
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I struggled getting enough protein too! Even with foods like greek yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey ect in my diet I couldn't hit my goals (I'm not a big meat eater, no beef or pork yuck, don't care for fish that much either except tuna). I finally starting usually protein powder once a day (along with the before mentioned foods). I get Walmart Body Fortress Whey...the strawberry flavor is yummy, mixes well and is good even in just a glass of water (cheap too)!!
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    I didn't see chicken anywhere. I eat low carb high protein every day for the most part (outside of fruits and veggies). I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, eggs, some red lean red meat here and there when I want a treat. Then, yes, 3+ protein shakes a day. I mix it up between chocolate with water as well as vanilla in orange or red G2.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I didn't see chicken anywhere. I eat low carb high protein every day for the most part (outside of fruits and veggies). I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, eggs, some red lean red meat here and there when I want a treat. Then, yes, 3+ protein shakes a day. I mix it up between chocolate with water as well as vanilla in orange or red G2.
    Chicken is a lean meat. Skinless breast! I eat so much protein.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    I didn't see chicken anywhere. I eat low carb high protein every day for the most part (outside of fruits and veggies). I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, eggs, some red lean red meat here and there when I want a treat. Then, yes, 3+ protein shakes a day. I mix it up between chocolate with water as well as vanilla in orange or red G2.
    Chicken is a lean meat. Skinless breast! I eat so much protein.

    Well - yep! True true. Just didn't see it by name. :) I eat a ton of it too. I also like some lean pork, cut the fat off the ends. It's good for a change up once a week or so!
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    If all the chickens suddenly died, I'd starve to death
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I didn't see chicken anywhere. I eat low carb high protein every day for the most part (outside of fruits and veggies). I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, eggs, some red lean red meat here and there when I want a treat. Then, yes, 3+ protein shakes a day. I mix it up between chocolate with water as well as vanilla in orange or red G2.
    Chicken is a lean meat. Skinless breast! I eat so much protein.

    Well - yep! True true. Just didn't see it by name. :) I eat a ton of it too. I also like some lean pork, cut the fat off the ends. It's good for a change up once a week or so!

    Yeah not even gonna lie, I dig pork. I only get to it once or twice a month. It's a dirty protein.
  • Venison is a great lean meat and hunting season is coming soon so you can get a freezer full for free. Then of course you can get into all the protein veggies such as lentils, beans and the like. I have not yet gone that route so I am more unfamiliar with it.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Same here. I'm on 40/40/20 and that's like 200 grams of protein. It's a rare day when I can hit 100.
  • bump!! i have a terrible time with carbs too!
  • Almonds, turkey jerky, cheese is my go to. Broiled shrimp or Shrimp Ceviche (google Ecuadorian Shrimp Ceviche recipe) is a staple. I stay under 30g carb per day.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member