exercise defect calories

Just want a bit of advise. I'm 5ft 4in and 144lb and my goal is 133. To lose 1lb a week mfp suggests 1360 cals a day. If i exercise should i be eating the cals i burn? Or should i eat 1360 regardless of how much exercise i do?
Thanks x


  • joramaker
    joramaker Posts: 65 Member
  • wigglewriggle
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Eat your calories back. The # they gave you has your deficit already built in
  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    Sounds confusing LOL

    I don't count calories BUT I do make a conscious note to eat less on days I don't get any physical activity worth noting. LOL It just makes sence to me to do it that way because I just refuse to beleive I need the same amount of food for energy on lazy days as I do active and I only think of food as a energy source now days.
  • wigglewriggle
    Thanks, I've got some munching to do lol
  • traciad
    traciad Posts: 5 Member
    I've wondered this myself but now that you ^^ have mentioned about the deficit built in that makes sense. I have a hard time eating that many calories on the days I workout.
  • nboot1
    nboot1 Posts: 41 Member
    I almost always eat them back, I tried not to but my weightloss pretty much stopped. I have heard a lot of people say that when they eat a little more they lost more- this has been true for me too :)
  • traciad
    traciad Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks. I'm going to try that. I'm almost at my goal so this should be interesting. :-)