share your C25K experience

Looking to start doing the C25K program starting Monday( never been a runner). i would really like to hear about some of your experiences with this for motivation. did anybody just do the C25K program along with eating healthy? do you have success pics? also i am looking to start out doing it on my treadmill then move to being outside. does anyone have any advice to offer. like what is the best speed to do for walk/ jog/ run and should i have an incline. any advice would be much appreciated. Please post pics if you have them. thanks~ wish me luck. really want to stick with this.


  • hopeful_heather
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I started C25K in June... and I'm due to start Week 8 on Sunday.

    So far the program as worked like it should.. I'm currently up to running 25 minutes straight and will tackle running 28 minutes straight on Sunday.

    The whole reason why I started C25K is because walking just didn't cut it anymore calorie wise... so I needed something more. I also weight train, and I think that helps a lot with running.. it makes my legs stronger so my muscles are more able to handle running for long distances.

    I started doing C25K on a treadmill and then quickly quit that. It's a pain the butt to keep flipping between the two speeds, and you don't really get the full walking/jogging interval I feel. It's much easier to do outside when you can stop/start with no problems.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Ohh! I LOVED c25k! And here's a link to my success pics....I will be honest though that I didn't follow c25K to the letter. I did through about week 3 and then I discovered that I wanted to run more than the 3 minutes they wanted me to, so I did. And ever since then I've been pushing myself more and more. I'm now up to 3 miles 3 times a week!
  • seanwebster
    seanwebster Posts: 83 Member
    Up until July I hadn't exercised regularly since I started dropping weight in March/April last year.

    First week in July I started alternating C25K and bodyweight strength training, so I'm doing one or the other every day with one rest day. Yesterday was the end of week 5 for me, wasn't sure I could do the 2 mile run but I made it through. It works.

    As far as weight loss, your mileage may vary. I think I'm adding muscle at this point instead of losing weight. The scale isn't moving much but I look and feel better so I'm okay with it.
  • michelle2482
    michelle2482 Posts: 33 Member
    I really like the program! On week 5 right now. If you're going to run in a gym, it helps to download a C25K app so that you're not watching the seconds tick by on a treadmill :). I've stuck to the program past week one. I like that it builds you up slowly. Especially if you're realllly starting from scratch, following the program helps to avoid over-training. Good luck!
  • jessjpjb
    jessjpjb Posts: 38
    I just finished W6D1 this morning, love the program!!
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    There are podcasts on itunes for a c25k that provides you with music and verbal cues on when to switch from walking to jogging. There are also ones online you can download as well. I found one that I like since it has mostly top hits music that you might know. Let me know if you want any information on that. Good luck! I'm doing my first 5K in November.
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    Try it! I just go at my own pace - if I need to run 4.0, I run 4.0. I've topped out at 5.0, but not for long spans of time. I get frustrated sometimes because I was so out of shape when I started and have a lot to lose, but I've made it so far. And success is sweet on this program :-)
  • jgthomas78
    C25K and MFP in combination has changed my life. Even when I was in great shape years ago, I NEVER ran. Always did fitness classes or elliptical with weight training. I had a lot of changes in my life and couldn't fit gym time in so ended up gaining 50 lbs. in february of this year I heard about C25K and MFP. Decided to give running a try. Fast forward almost 6 months later (165 MFP days) I LOVE running. Now my favorite exercise. I'm up to running 4.5 miles about 3x per week. It is MY time. I have no distractions, just time to focus on me. My body is fit, my mind more clear, and my spirit happy. Hope you learn to love it as much as I do.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Making steady progress, never run in my life really. Only day 3 of week 5 left this week - it's a 20 minute run. Did the 2 * 8 minute runs on Thursday in the noon sun, which was a bit daft.

    I did the first runs at a pace of 8 minutes per mile, which is too fast. Got away with it in the short intervals of week 1 but now I'm running at more like 11 minutes per mile which keeps my heart rate below 100% of maximum. is a great app if you have a smartphone - it tells you when to walk, run, what pace you did etc etc.

    I do all mine outside, there is a variant for treadmill

    The idea of the program is to get you running the full time, at whatever speed, speed will come later once you've done the program and move on to "improving".
  • mandylubug
    I started C25K with healthy eating on June 11th. I have found that some weeks need repeating because I am not ready to progress quite yet but I am seeing improvements steadily. I have lost 10 pounds and have toned up a great deal. I am on "week 5" of the schedule.

    I have more energy than I ever thought possible and my husband can see a difference in my appearance. I am just now starting to notice looser clothing, etc. My plan to up my weight loss more is to start 30 day Shred in addition to MFP and c25k.

    I haven't taken before pictures :( I suppose I should have but I am pretty far in now. I suppose I could take a Day 1 of 30DS.
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I just finished week six of C25K. I have had a positive experience overall with the program. I had a lot of problems in the beginning with blisters. But, I solved that problem by putting Vaseline on my feet before running. For me it was more mental than physical. I really had to push my mind and embrace the mentality that I can do it. I would recommend looking up proper running form, and getting some comfortable shoes.
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    i just started C25K, completed Week 1 Day 2 today. So far so good but obviously I"m barely into it :)