Lost it, not sure it can be found again...

I feel like I have completely lost it - and for the first time in a long time I really don't feel like I can find it again. I'm way off my eating goals - so far off that it is really tough to track calories (sometimes I try but things that I forgot to add keep popping into my head until I get frustrated and give up).

Anywho - just kind of in a huge rut right now, and not sure if I will be able to get back out.


  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Sure you can! Just take it one step at a time. Start with one thing, like your water intake, and go from there. Its can be hard to climb a mountain but one step at a time will get you there. Hang in there! I've been there myself.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    you can do it,but I know where you're coming from. I've been in a "rut" for the past 3 weeks. I just can't seem to get the motivation to get back on track.
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    You've made it this far! Just take it one step at a time and refuse to compromise at each little step... for example, right now, I could eat a bowl of cereal or a peach... the choice is obvious, but if I make a wrong move it's a slippery slope down the path to giving up! Baby steps... You can do it!
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Break it down into small manageable goals, when you look at it in terms of getting it back on track then it does seem like a huge thing, why not set a small goal like tracking your food for the next three days then take it from there? Has anything particular happened to derail things?
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Stand strong!! You've come a long way baby!!! You cant turn back now. You know the ol saying..."You can never go back"

    Remember how you felt "then" and how you feel "now" .........and how you can feel tomorrow if you "go the wrong way"

    I wish you enough............
  • houseofcarpenter
    houseofcarpenter Posts: 127 Member
    completely with you on this one ive got so far into my rut i cant even log... trying to get some kind of motivation to start again and am really frustrated at failing again - but i will get back on to it and i will get there eventually just like you will. keep plodding on and i promise i will too!! we can get back on track before theres too much damage.
  • JasKasalova
    Thank you all for the good words and support! I've done the yo-yo thing all my life, so I think I am just hardwired to think that at some point I have to start gaining the weight back again. I am going to break the cycle - drawing a line in the sand. Going to start with a good workout and no binge eating tonight, and then worry about tomorrow tomorrow..... going to plan a bit for tomorrow, but not get stressed out. Thank you all again for your responses - it really does help.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    OP read your profile again, YOU can do it. You've come so far, I wish I had lost what you did, I'm just starting my journey (2 months in) Tomorrow's a new day, one day at a time......
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    You'll find it again....you know you will...don't backslide, it will get better!
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    You can do this. You know you can. You posted here tonight so that someone would verify that. Here we are. Break the pattern. :)
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    You can do this. You know you can. You posted here tonight so that someone would verify that. Here we are. Break the pattern. :)

    Well said
  • buudharich
    No need for nose-to-the-grindstone, my brother. Adjust a little bit at a time to bring yourself back. Losing over 100 pounds is a huge accomplishment and you're aware of your path. You just need to bring yourself closer and you won't return to where you were but ease off to the middle ground and then begin to lose again. Your running is really good and picking up. That's a positive sign in the right direction.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Thank you all for the good words and support! I've done the yo-yo thing all my life, so I think I am just hardwired to think that at some point I have to start gaining the weight back again. I am going to break the cycle - drawing a line in the sand. Going to start with a good workout and no binge eating tonight, and then worry about tomorrow tomorrow..... going to plan a bit for tomorrow, but not get stressed out. Thank you all again for your responses - it really does help.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on ! :D ..think how good it'll be to come on in a few weeks shouting yaay all back on track x ]
  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    i am a complete yoyo dieter bt this time ive relly kicked myself but everytime i slip into binge mode and really feel i cant get out i start a detox.. i know it sounds discusting but doing a colon cleanse and detox sorts me out and gets me back on the horse EVERY TIME, plus you can have up to 8 pounds of waste cemented on the wall of ur colon that wont shift unless you do a cleanse.. its the best way to make you mentally feel healthier and cleaner and it makes u not want to binge trust me, give it a go see how it works for u?

    :) x
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Big ((hug)), sweetie.

    I can totally relate. I moved in to a family friend's house about a month ago, and struggled so hard, I thought I'd never get back on. I'm only just losing again, and regaining control.

    I know it's hard, many of us are addicted to food or have issues with food. I understand. But you've done so well. So, so well, and I believe you can get back on it.

    Here's another ((hug)), I wish you the best.