What to do when the pool closes!

Hi folks,
I have been doing a lot of swimming this summer, burning calories like crazy. It definately helps with the weight loss goals and I love it. But I am worried! What will I do this fall and winter that gives me the same bang for my buck?
I love to walk, but where I live is not condusive to that as the roads are very narrow and windy - and I get home from work after dark.
YMCA membership is pretty costly, so I dropped it a year ago - no other options on the way home right now.
I'm not all that motivated to excercise once I get home.

So, what do you guys recommend? I want it to be fun, or I fear I won't commit to it. I know I sound all negative about options, but I want to hear all that you have to offer, even if it sounds like I won't like it.

Thanks for any and all suggestions!



  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    See if there are other indoor pools you can get a membership to? Join a master's swim team? Take an adult swimming or swim training class?
  • Crisred
    Crisred Posts: 7 Member
    Good ones! If i join a team I will be pushed more than I push myself, too. I like that!
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    For pure metabolic burn, the only thing that compares to swimming is running. They both burn a ton of calories when done at a good pace. If you really like swimming, take up running for the winter and maybe try some cycling. Next season you can do a triathlon.
  • gobifree59
    gobifree59 Posts: 56 Member
    Being a former HS teacher, I used to go to bed at 9:30 (get up at 5am) and would miss some of my fav shows on TV. So, I recorded them and walked on my treadmill after work. I was motivated to get home and walk so I wouldn't miss out on my shows. Since you like to walk, it may work for you! I live in Pgh. and there were many gray days and I wasn't motivated to walk outside, especially in the winter when it got dark at 5pm!
  • kris10stew
    kris10stew Posts: 38 Member
    Love the triathalon idea!
  • Balance27
    Balance27 Posts: 76 Member
    do you have a college nearby? some let community members join their fitness facilities for reasonable prices.
  • Crisred
    Crisred Posts: 7 Member
    I like your thinking Drgndancer!! A triathalon would sure be something to brag about! If running is in the cards I better get started now as I will need to run for 60 seconds then walk for 60. I have never been good at that.

    There are two colleges nearby to check on the fitness center idea. Good one!

    A treadmill is interesting. I prefer an eliptical if I were to buy a machine, but the idea is a good one. Finished basement has a TV, too!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    do you have a college nearby? some let community members join their fitness facilities for reasonable prices.

    ^This. There's a community college near me that lets you swim on certain days/times for $2

    Also, check out community fitness centers near you, some of them have pools as well.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I started this journey by jogging in place to my favorite TV show, or movie. Then I ordered Walk The Pounds Away DVD. Even if you don't have a lot of room, the video is great!