please help with my calorie intake...

hello im 5'1" 106.8 lbs it says ill loose 3.5 lbs by sept 14th...this is whats confusing to me please help...

Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day
Carbs / Day 165 g
Fat / Day 40 g
Protein / Day 45 g
Fitness Goals Goals
Calories Burned / Week 1,170 calories/week
Workouts / Week 5 Workouts
Minutes / Workout 60 mins
Your diet Profile Target
Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity 1,550 calories/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/ day
Daily Calorie Deficit 350 calories
Projected Weight Loss 0.7 lbs/ week

how can i consume 1200 per day and burn off 1550 from activity..i only burn 400 per time, and its saying i should burn only like 293 per time..HELP?? im so confused..:(


  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Here is the thing, weight management has three goals in mind. The first goal is fat loss, maintenance, or gaining weight. A calorie deficit can be simply defined as burning more than what you are consuming. So normal activity can be walking and getting to places, or cleaning dishes etc. MFP sets a profile and it asks you what kind of activity level you have and how much you plan to exercise.


    Maintainance calories or calories to keep the same weight in your case is around the 2700 mark or so lets say. If you want to lose weight then a calorie deficit needs to occur by lowering those calories.

    Calories burned from your daily activity are 1,500. So take that 2700 calories (maintaince) and subtract that amount and you pretty much get the calorie intake that you need to take to lose weight which is 1200.

    So 1200 calories is not a lot, eat lean meats, dark greens, and drink lots of fluids. Foods like oatmeal are perfect, egg whites or whole eggs, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and etc are great foods to achieve your goal.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    how can i consume 1200 per day and burn off 1550 from activity..i only burn 400 per time, and its saying i should burn only like 293 per time..HELP?? im so confused..:(
    That 1500 burned from daily activity isn't your exercise calories, it's the estimate of what you burn in your normal daily activities - walking, working, folding laundry, shopping - whatever. It's a number calculated when you put in your activity level (sedentary, lightly active, etc).

    The calories burned of 293 is a goal based on your settings as well - whatever you said you wanted to lose er week, .5 lbs, or 1 lb, etc. But of course you can burn more than that if you exercise more (like the actual 400 you said you burned).

    MFP gives you these numbers based on everything you entered - your personal stats of height, weight, age, etc, your fitness goals, such as target weight, how much to lose per week, how many days you plan to exercise per week and for how long, how active you are in your daily life...then it gives you guidelines based on those on how much to eat, how much you're likely to burn, and so on.

    Does that help? Or have I confused you further? :tongue:
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    how can i consume 1200 per day and burn off 1550 from activity..i only burn 400 per time, and its saying i should burn only like 293 per time..HELP?? im so confused..:(
    That 1500 burned from daily activity isn't your exercise calories, it's the estimate of what you burn in your normal daily activities - walking, working, folding laundry, shopping - whatever. It's a number calculated when you put in your activity level (sedentary, lightly active, etc).

    The calories burned of 293 is a goal based on your settings as well - whatever you said you wanted to lose er week, .5 lbs, or 1 lb, etc. But of course you can burn more than that if you exercise more (like the actual 400 you said you burned).

    MFP gives you these numbers based on everything you entered - your personal stats of height, weight, age, etc, your fitness goals, such as target weight, how much to lose per week, how many days you plan to exercise per week and for how long, how active you are in your daily life...then it gives you guidelines based on those on how much to eat, how much you're likely to burn, and so on.

    Does that help? Or have I confused you further? :tongue:

    Sounds like she is doing bicep curls!
  • annretzlaff
    annretzlaff Posts: 11 Member
    yes still confused as to how anyone can burn 1550 cals just daily when i bust my butt to burn 400. and how if im eating 1200 cals per day, and "burning 1550" am i even walking. still if im consuming 1200 and working off 400 im at 800. but im 5'1" 106.8 now its saying by sept 14th ill be 103.3 and have lost 3.5 lbs when really i put 1 lb per week it has me loosing .7 lbs per week. do i just keep eating 1200, which is (8400cals) per week and burning 400 for 5 days which would put me at 2000 only burned per week. if one lbs is 3500 im 1500 short,arent i gaining weight??? the math makes no sense to me at all sorry.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    yes still confused as to how anyone can burn 1550 cals just daily when i bust my butt to burn 400. and how if im eating 1200 cals per day, and "burning 1550" am i even walking. still if im consuming 1200 and working off 400 im at 800. but im 5'1" 106.8 now its saying by sept 14th ill be 103.3 and have lost 3.5 lbs when really i put 1 lb per week it has me loosing .7 lbs per week. do i just keep eating 1200, which is (8400cals) per week and burning 400 for 5 days which would put me at 2000 only burned per week. if one lbs is 3500 im 1500 short,arent i gaining weight??? the math makes no sense to me at all sorry.

    1550 is NOT the number of calories you burn in one workout, it is the TOTAL calories your body burns during the entire day simply from daily living.

    At your weight I think it's going to be very hard to lose 1lb per week, realistically .5lb might be doable.