Are medications making you fat ?



  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I am on depo too and I think that it has contributed to my weight gain. But I am really enjoying not having TOM and not having to worry about getting pregnant. I, too, have been debating using another contraceptive, but the question is which one...

    The copper IUD won't cause weight gain!
  • lrlnss
    lrlnss Posts: 29 Member
    On various types of birth control in the past 5 years, I've gained 40 pounds! :( and that was with working out and eating right.

    Went off it last month because I was so sick of it, which has helped. I know you (OP) said that's not an option for you. Good luck!
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    Not only that but I find that so rude he said that!! Incredible how people can't seem to get it in their heads that yes for some people you can work out and eat great and STILL not see much difference. Guess that must be their fault according to them!
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    Ask a Pharmacist, they are the most knowledgeable :)

    Sorry, I disagree. They may offer an opinion about medications only, but that is only a small part of what goes on with the body. They ONLY person qualified to make a medical judgement is your physician. A pharmacist, no mater how smart, is not a physician.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    Im currently on prednisone for almost a month now for my back and cant work out at all. :( Waiting on insurance to approve my MRI etc and in the meantime I have gained 8 pounds. So I rejoined MFP in hopes to at least keep better track of my food, help me be accountable for what Im eating, etc.
    Thanks for reminding me. I am getting steroid shots in my spine too.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I'm going to ask my doctor to switch my abilify to lamictol. I hope that it will still work effectively. Does anyone else have weight gain issues from taking medications ? Please share with us.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and advice.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I was on one of the medications that you are on and it made me gain weight, I went from a size 4 or 6 to a size 12. I couldn't take it anymore (being so chubby!) so my doctor put me on Wellbutrin instead and I lost the weight. I take birth control also but I am back to my normal size.
    Thanks !
  • sisterphonetica
    sisterphonetica Posts: 59 Member
    I'm on mirtazipine for migraine prophylaxis. It's wonderful that my migraines have almost vanished after years of borderline chronic migraine (12 per month), but I've put on 7kg in 6 weeks, while trying to lose weight. I can't come off this drug as I cannot go back to that time of agony and vomiting and having no control over my life because of trying to reduce my migraine triggers, but putting on all this weight is getting me down. I just tried on some dresses for a party and I can't get into most of them.
