
Hiya :)

I'm kinda new to the whole weight-loss forum thing but really feel I could use the support and motivation from an online community. It is so inspiring seeing what everyone has achieved!

Sadly i'm not new to weight-loss or tracking what I eat. I have been a member of a well known slimming program a number of times but my will power always lets me down! This time I am determined that it will be different!

22 years old
weight 238lbs
height 5ft 5
goal weight 138lbs
goal date October 2013 (friends wedding)


  • dragomom
    dragomom Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome to MFP, having a good support team makes it easier to stay on track. Feel free to add me if you would like to.
  • ApexSam
    ApexSam Posts: 4
    I am new to the forum thing as well but not new to weight loss! I have lost and gained weight SO many times. I need it to be different this time as I now have a daughter. I still find I am struggling. I am down 4 pounds, though, so I am going to just keep trying to do what I am doing!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I'm active so feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Welcome, I am so glad for this program. Been struggling with weight for years, and this is the first program where I have gotten results.
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    I started out at 233 and 5'4" so I totally know you! 8^)

    SW = 233
    CW = 193.5
    GW = 160

    Feel free to add me if you'd like, I'll be here for you!
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You will love it here. Great tools, great support, common sense approach.
  • tigerpenguin
    tigerpenguin Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • sammyfla
    sammyfla Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new as well and was wondering - if I am trying to lose weight and they say 1470 calories a day - how come they are adding back in the calories I burn when I exercise? Don't I want to stick to the 1470 and keep exercising? Any help would be appreciated!
  • Happyirisheyes
    Happyirisheyes Posts: 121 Member
    Hi there and welcome. This is a great forum with lots of great people! Feel free to add me!
  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    im fairly new to this as well. and ive found for once MFP has helped me watch what i eat and has motivated me to carry on exercising everyday even if that just means a 20 minute walk. it all helps! :)
    I have met a few friends on here that have helped me keep even more motivated to stick this through!
    if you need a friend on here feel free to add :) x
  • tigerpenguin
    tigerpenguin Posts: 15 Member
    1470 calories is what is needed to lose weight at your current activity level, any exercising is not included in the sum. If you do exercise you can consume more calories... but you don't have to. Though you maybe hungry after ripping up the gym, not to mention wanting to keep your metabolism running. Hope this helps.
  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome and good luck!! You can do it. When I joined MFP I was already very determined and did not join for support from an online community. Just joined to use the tracking tools as I believed (and still do) that I was finally... finally... FINALLY... after 40 years of letting the battle with my weight always get the better of me... FORTY YEARS.... No more for me... this time I'm winning. It is so so refreshing seeing someone so young take up the battle very seriously... Please do not wait the 40 years as I have.

    And so back to MFP... anyway... as I began using the tools... I would reply and comment on various posts just to share my own journey and perspectives... and because doing so really helped me. WOW... how much I underestimated the tremendous inspiration and source of strength and support this online community is. Totally unexpected.... but so completely appreciated. You are right... so so many inspirational people here.. And am inspired each and every day by them.

    Sooooo... when you say 'sadly you are not new to the weight loss challenge'... I smile. You are in such good company and almost all of us share the same challenges ... So again... WELCOME!! Good luck... You are going ot look (and more importantly) FEEL marvelous at the wedding next year.
  • GrumpyAG
    GrumpyAG Posts: 41 Member
    I'm new to the forum thing too but again not to weight lose and diet....I've tried them all. But I only have to look at a packet of crisps and I put on a pound ;)
  • Wow, I am totally blown away by all the responses! :D It is amazing to know that there are so many people here willing to share advice and encouragment and the I am not alone!

    Today was my first full day sticking to my new regime and using MFP properly and I feel better already! I have eaten a healthy amount of food and didn't make an excuse to not go to the gym!

    All of your advice was great and I definately take it all on board.

    Thanks again everyone :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    hi there and welcome you will find all the help and support on here so again welcome
  • 4melyn
    4melyn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there and welcome I only started here last Week. So far I am totally lovin it and the support from others. Feel free to add me if you wish :smile: