General food cravings all the time!

I started a healthy diet and moderate exercise program this week to lose a few pounds. I will probably have to maintain this for the rest of my life to stay healthy. I am having intense food cravings, for many different kinds of food. I have strong will power, and am not overly worried about going off the diet, but food is all I can think about all day. It is affecting by ability to focus and get work done, and means I can't even enjoy my time off. Is there any way to stop the cravings and get on with my life? I'm not craving any specific kind of treat, but just want more of everything. Will the cravings go away on their own soon? Please advise...


  • nchertok
    nchertok Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me the first week. It goes away on its own after about 1-2 weeks. Stay motivated. Portion control your meals... Take the size you usually would think you need and put 1/3 of it back. Drink lots of water and have little healthy snacks around that are "guilt fee" such as jello (low cal version) and cucumbers. Drink lots of water.
  • Slim7Dee
    Slim7Dee Posts: 17
    Ok - from my experience you need to :

    - make sure you eat your fruit and veg every day; make up a snack bowl of healthy stuff, obviously calorie count it, and try to divde it over the day;
    - drink PLENTY of water and the odd low cal drink/tea/coffee.
    - Distract yourself when you "think" you're hungry, i.e. I take to my knitting, reading etc.
    - Go out for walks and only take a sensible en route snack with you.

    I usually find that once I'm into all of the above, it sort of becomes a way of life after a week or two.

    Remember these food cravings are mostly false, i.e. in the head. You just need to re educate the brain.

    Best of luck.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    it seems to die down some after a while. when you are working out and everything you stop and say, did i do all that just to ruin it with a bag of chips?? or is this candy bar really worth 15 min. on the elliptical.. kinda helps. try to keep the junk food out of ur house and work if possible so u won't be tempted. i know there are still certain things that i will just keep eating til they are gone. the other day i had some chocolate covered peanuts (i don't even like peanuts) that my husband had gotten when we went to the movies and there was half the little box still left, and i wanted some chocolate and i knew that if i ate one, i would end up eating the whole rest of the box, but i did it anyway and even as i was eating it i was like, i don't really want this, but i knew i was gonna eat it til it was gone and i did.... for some reason when i try to put something like that down, the craving is just so intense and i end up eating it anyway, so usually we dont have that sorta stuff at home, and when its not there, i don't crave it at all.
  • Leonovna
    Thank you for your suggestions. I'm not actually giving in to snacking, but just thinking about it all the time, even if there is no tempting box of smarties around, which is irritating. Like, I'd like to focus on other stuff now...
    Thank you all, if I know it's only for a couple of weeks I'll try not to worry about it.
  • akstamper
    I'm 61 and have maintained a 70 lb. weight loss for the last two years. In the past two months my old "habits" have started creeping back and so has the weight to the tune of 15 pounds! I need to stop eating when I'm not hungry. Due to foot surgery .I'm unable to go to the gym (I used to go 3X a week, 30mins resistance, 30 mins cardio) Stitches not coming out until 8/23 and then it may be a couple more weeks before I can put any weight on that foot. HELP!!