Please help feeling so fat don't want to see my friends.



  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Honey face your friends! Everyone goes through life changes, your weight does not define your beauty! If someone mentions your weight admit you have gained and tell them what you will do to lose it, if really good friends they will support you!
  • Slim7Dee
    Slim7Dee Posts: 17
    The worst thing you can do is to hide away. You are on track now, by being part of MFP. Just keep eating sensibly and for goodness sake when you're out with your friends for a meal or coffee - do not deny yourself. I tend to go for a healthy salad, remove stuff like most of the mayonnaise etc., and if I want desert I go for the light option. Also, wear sensible clothes - tight T shirts and trousers don't do our fuller figure justice. Easy fitting tops, covering the hips and matching the trousers/skirts can be very slimming.

    You've put on weight, you're dealing with it, you'll get there.

    Best of luck.
  • 56phuff
    56phuff Posts: 1
    I feel the same way. I start back to work Wed. and I can't find anything to ware. I'm also 5'6" tall and over weight. I started myfitnesspal 2 weeks ago and I have seen some progress. My daughter is a big help for me. Friends and family can motavate you too. All I can say is keep trying and you will see progress. Good luck from Iowa.
  • justusks
    justusks Posts: 2 Member
    Hi yes and i have spent many years hiding from soc iety because of those very same feelings. I have just conquered these feelings for the first time in many years. I reached a point in january where i had to die or change the way i was feeling I started on the plant based diet at that time and a short time later i joined my fitness pal. Since that time i work very hard to not let any bad feelings enter my head. Its a 24 hr a day job for me. I have lost 80 lbs and cured myself of being insulin dependent diabetic and am taking half of the blood pressure meds i used to be on. Yes i still feel fat at times but i keep working at it I want to lose 50 more and sometimes i fall off the wagon but i remember where i started from and i dont want to go back to that again. You can do it Just set your mind to it and refuse to let anything distract you from your goals
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Glad you had fun! December is a great goal too, not necessarily with a number on a scale but to just feel good about yourself. :)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Again I can only say thank you for the kind words!

    I am feeling so much better after seeing my friends. I have known them for 20 years and love them dearly and it was no issue whatsoever. As I said I will start NROLFW once I am back. I will keep those bad feelings I had as my motivation to work out. I don't want to feel that unhappy anymore. I want to be happy within myself! In December I will have lost some inches and I can be happy and proud to meet my friends and family again!