HCG is BAD!!!



  • dyneemo
    dyneemo Posts: 3

    Have you considered your weight loss is due to the extremely low calories and not actually taking the hormone?
    Yes, I did actually. But I tried an extremely low calorie diet for a few weeks as well (almost 4 weeks) and I did not really lose much...2.5 pounds is all. In 4 weeks time, on a strict calorie diet, that just was not what I was hoping for. I walk briskly over 1 mile per day as well and I do strength exercises, so it isn't like I'm just doing a fad thing and not taking care of myself or exercising. HCG works for me. I'm not sick at all, I never got sick the first time I used it and I actually have more energy. I don't find it "dangerous"...I think it is just like any diet. It depends on the user and how responsible they are for it. Any diet & exercise program can be "bad" and "harmful" if the person doing it doesn't do it correctly or responsibly

    As per all the comments about the doctor and blaming HCG, if this girl was really under a doctor's care, wouldn't the doctor have monitored her progress? They say she was getting injections...why wasn't her doctor performing regular check ups? The doctor must have been, right? Or did she just go in, get a shot, and leave? I don't think that is how it goes. A patient under doctor's care, regardless of the reason, is usually also under a doctor's observation. This story just sounds fishy to me because, if she were really under the care of a real physician, it would have never gotten that far. I do blame the doctor, not HCG. Used responsibly and accurately, this stuff really works
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    I swear that desperate people wanting to lose weight will put their health at risk to achieve a 5lbs-10lbs loss. It's sad to see people who apparently want to be healthy, risk their health to do it.
    THERE IS NO SECRET DIET. Calorie deficit, combined with moderate exercise, rest and proper nutrition gets it done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • KettlebellTess
    Any diet & exercise program can be "bad" and "harmful" if the person doing it doesn't do it correctly or responsibly

    Eat clean, move more.

    That's never bad, nor harmful.

    Snake oil made from the urine of pregnant horses....(i.e. HCG)....ehhhh no thanks.
  • mszebra
    mszebra Posts: 94
    I swear that desperate people wanting to lose weight will put their health at risk to achieve a 5lbs-10lbs loss. It's sad to see people who apparently want to be healthy, risk their health to do it.
    THERE IS NO SECRET DIET. Calorie deficit, combined with moderate exercise, rest and proper nutrition gets it done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    So, so true. People do absolutely horrendous things to their bodies in the name of losing weight. OP, I'm sorry about your niece. That's terrible.
  • MsPrada
    MsPrada Posts: 8
    I too am on HCG and have lost 30 pounds. What people don't understand is that this way of eating low calorie meals has to continue after HCG!!
    The same holds tru for EVERYONE! EAT LESS MOVE MORE ALWAYS! What HCG does is helps boost the pound loss, and I too feel fine....
  • AwesomePossum82
    I completely agree. I'm so sorry about you niece. I will be praying for her. Pls keep us updated.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Well, there are other good sites other than myfitnesspal but the gist of what you are saying is well taken. I would add that taking steroids to bulk up really fast would go in the same category. Truth is.. We got the way we are by making unhealthy choices. Adding more unhealthy choices continues the trend and it does not correct anything. The best way to deal with our unhealthy choices is to simply start making healthy ones.. and just like adding that 100 extra lbs did not happen overnight, taking them off will not happen overnight either. It is akin to the old saying that the destination is far less important than the journey to get there. A goal is far less important than the methods we use to travel there... So much life and learning along the way. Quick fixes never fix anything. Thanks for your post.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I personally do not feel that HCG is bad. I had tried it about 1.5 years ago after trying a strict low-fat diet with exercise and appropriate nutrition. I even used the calorie guidelines that were recommended for me, ate the foods I was supposed to, exercised regularly, drank water...the whole thing. I did not really lose anything. And I tried this method for many, many months yet I saw no improvement, felt really low (my self-esteem was at rock bottom) and I kept out-growing clothes and went up in pant sizes instead of down

    I thought it was maybe hereditary or that I had some kind of hormonal imbalance or something wrong with my thyroid. Had that all checked and I was fine, my cholesterol was good...I just do not lose weight at all no matter what I do.

    So, 1.5 years ago I started the HCG diet and it worked. I wanted to lose 20 lbs and I did. I kept off the weight for over a year but with travel, I had poor eating habits so I gained 12.5 lbs back. I started exercise again, tried eating right...nothing. So, I am back on the HCG diet and I can attest that this diet really works for me. I have energy, I feel good, I am losing weight at a reasonable rate and I am not, contrary to what you all believe, "starving". Yes, I am on a strict low calorie diet but I eat good proteins (fish, chicken, seafood), vegetables (any leafy green or other green veggies), fruit (whatever I want) and one very small carb (like melba toast) and I drink a lot of water and take my vitamins. I want to only lose the 12 lbs and so far I've lost 2.0 and I feel better than I have with any other diet or exercise program I have ever tried before

    Knock the diet if you want. But for those of us who kill ourselves with strenuous workouts and limit ourselves to our calorie intake in addition, this diet really works. I still work out, I eat minimally (yes, I know this is a "problem" for some people), but I am losing weight and I am feeling good.

    I know that once I am done, I will need to eat right. It recommends slowly increasing your caloric intake. I did this the last time and I did not gain a pound back for a year and then over the last few months I have gained because I was eating fast food and very unhealthy things. HCG works for me. You just have to use it appropriately

    You didn't gain weight by taking a pill/supplement. You won't lose weight by taking a pill/supplement...at least not permanently. You gain weight by eating too much food and not exercising enough.

    When you stop taking this supplement, and stop eating only 500 calories a day, you WILL gain the weight back. I have a few friends who have done this diet, and they ALL gained their weight back after they started eating again. This diet does not teach you to eat right, healthy, or to move. It is a quick fix. Once you lose the weight, you start eating normal, and then you gain.

    Yo-yo dieting is harmful to your body. Don't you think if there were a "magic" diet pill, the whole WORLD would be behind it?
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I cannot believe that there are people on this website who continue to try to convince everyone that HCG is good and it works. It's a quick fix and I personally guarantee 100% you will not stay healthy using it in the long run or eating 500 calories the rest of your life. This is MY FITNESS PAL. Not My Quick Fix Pal. I can't support anyone who continues to champion the use of this drug. Thanks OP for posting, my heart goes out to her and I hope she gets better.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    This doc should lose his license and go to jail.


    I hope your niece is ok.
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    If your diet plan does not consist of plans and goals that are attainable and can be considered a lifetime... it is not going to work. To be healthy and do it the right way is considered a "lifestyle change" which means eating nutritious foods.. portion control and exercising. 'sounds reasonable and simple to me. JS
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    I too am on HCG and have lost 30 pounds. What people don't understand is that this way of eating low calorie meals has to continue after HCG!!
    The same holds tru for EVERYONE! EAT LESS MOVE MORE ALWAYS! What HCG does is helps boost the pound loss, and I too feel fine....

    Or, you know, you can do a moderate deficit and work out. Then you don't have to do some freakishly low amount of calories for the rest of your life. I think I would rather set myself up to lose slower and be able to have a "normal" life then to do something that could seriously impact my quality of life and my health.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    Have you considered your weight loss is due to the extremely low calories and not actually taking the hormone?
    Yes, I did actually. But I tried an extremely low calorie diet for a few weeks as well (almost 4 weeks) and I did not really lose much...2.5 pounds is all. In 4 weeks time, on a strict calorie diet, that just was not what I was hoping for. I walk briskly over 1 mile per day as well and I do strength exercises, so it isn't like I'm just doing a fad thing and not taking care of myself or exercising. HCG works for me. I'm not sick at all, I never got sick the first time I used it and I actually have more energy. I don't find it "dangerous"...I think it is just like any diet. It depends on the user and how responsible they are for it. Any diet & exercise program can be "bad" and "harmful" if the person doing it doesn't do it correctly or responsibly

    As per all the comments about the doctor and blaming HCG, if this girl was really under a doctor's care, wouldn't the doctor have monitored her progress? They say she was getting injections...why wasn't her doctor performing regular check ups? The doctor must have been, right? Or did she just go in, get a shot, and leave? I don't think that is how it goes. A patient under doctor's care, regardless of the reason, is usually also under a doctor's observation. This story just sounds fishy to me because, if she were really under the care of a real physician, it would have never gotten that far. I do blame the doctor, not HCG. Used responsibly and accurately, this stuff really works

    I suggest you not only google the side effects of HGC (pro tip, avoid the websites with HGC in the link. They're not going to tell the truth, they're selling it) and also search here for users experiences. This is not out of bounds with what I've seen on here before.

    It IS dangerous. It does NOT cause you to lose weight. This is a scientific fact. You're in denial because you want it to work, when in fact it doesn't. It's the diet deficit causing the loss.

    I hope you never stuffer the ill effects of what you're doing to your body. You'll be one of the very very lucky ones if you don't.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    Well, there are other good sites other than myfitnesspal but the gist of what you are saying is well taken. I would add that taking steroids to bulk up really fast would go in the same category. Truth is.. We got the way we are by making unhealthy choices. Adding more unhealthy choices continues the trend and it does not correct anything. The best way to deal with our unhealthy choices is to simply start making healthy ones.. and just like adding that 100 extra lbs did not happen overnight, taking them off will not happen overnight either. It is akin to the old saying that the destination is far less important than the journey to get there. A goal is far less important than the methods we use to travel there... So much life and learning along the way. Quick fixes never fix anything. Thanks for your post.
    If I took steroids, I would look even more awesome. Problem is that the side effects (hair loss, higher cholesterol, etc) and the DEPENDENCY are a huge drawback to me. I don't want to spend money on it, nor do I want to worry about having my blood work done every 4 months just so I can enhance my physique a bit more. As I have aged, I've watch my strength decline, I've had to do more cardio, and I've had to eat less. Yep, that's part of the deal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    aarrrrgghhhh! I hate the hcg diet! i had no business trying to get a quick fix out of such a serious procedure. sure I lost 25lbs, but now my metabolism is all puckered up. Bloody hell!- I am up 5 pound in this last week, and you can see in my (meticulous and honest) food/exercise diary that it's not from diligence. damn damn damn
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    I swear that desperate people wanting to lose weight will put their health at risk to achieve a 5lbs-10lbs loss. It's sad to see people who apparently want to be healthy, risk their health to do it.
    THERE IS NO SECRET DIET. Calorie deficit, combined with moderate exercise, rest and proper nutrition gets it done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    i have always believed that <burn more than you consume> until now. now my hormones are changing. now its different. now that doesn't work for me. :sad:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm happy to report that my niece is doing much better. She has told me that she is now losing weight in a 'healthy' way now but I haven't had a chance to actually talk to her yet. I just pray it's true since I know she wants a 'quick fix'.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Glad to hear your niece is doing better. I was wondering about that the other day.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    I did it. I lost about 26 lbs in a month. I WAS NOT HUNGRY. However the downside is that it doesn't teach you to eat right. So I gained a lot back once I was finished.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I know that once I am done, I will need to eat right. It recommends slowly increasing your caloric intake. I did this the last time and I did not gain a pound back for a year and then over the last few months I have gained because I was eating fast food and very unhealthy things. HCG works for me. You just have to use it appropriately

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