New to Strength training- Tingling and aching normal?

I'm fairly novice to regular, consistent strength training and have been doing some mild beginner stuff without weights for now. My arms are probably my weakest asset so I try to really push myself during Tae Bo in that area and then on separate days I do push ups.

Just wondering if the mild tingling and achiness in my triceps is normal? Does that mean I over did it or my muscles are growing? Hope it's the latter! lol :tongue:


  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    Not sure about the tingling but if it's a good ache, you most likely fatigued the muscle, which is what you want to do. Then from what I've heard you're supposed to take a day off from that muscle to let it repair.
  • Stef0325
    Stef0325 Posts: 21 Member
    well the tingling quit after maybe two hours after workout. Maybe it was just my bodies way of saying, "Whoa, push ups what is that?!" and freaked on me a little, haha.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Tingling during, mild ache after (usually 2days after is worse). Keep going
  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    Lol! I've been weight training 3x a week for 2 years (along with cardio). I love it! Main thing I've learned is not to worry about the scale. I go by size of my clothes and I have some "goal" pants that I try on to see if they fit better. It's interesting, I weigh 10 pounds more than I did when I dieted years ago, but my pant size and top size is smaller!
  • Stef0325
    Stef0325 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement guys! This is the first time in maybe 8 years that I feel committed to getting and staying healthy! It's a long story but lots of thngs have led me to this determination. I know this isn't a faith-based platform but asking God for help, to overcome temptation and to push a little harder each workout has helped a ton too! I know my profile doesn't show it since I started MFP after I began diet and excercise but I've lost over 10 lbs in two weeks. But most importantly I feel better, have more energy and am generally in a pleasant mood because I start my days doing something I know good for me and my family! I will NOT give up! :bigsmile:
  • Stef0325
    Stef0325 Posts: 21 Member
    That is funny how that works isn't it? I really need to start tracking my inches too because I'm sure my muscle will start building soon and don't want to get easily discouraged by the scale. thanks for the pointers. Keep up the great work
  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks you too! :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The only thing you really need to be alarmed at is sharp/shooting pain in your joints which generally indicate an injury (or approaching an injury). Pretty much anything you feel in your muscles is just DOMS. Even muscular injuries can heal quickly, a couple days at the most. But joint injuries can take weeks, months or even longer to heal (like an ACL tear). So pay attention to the joint pain, ignore the rest (within reason of course).