Looking to lose 15-20 lbs and need support

I am a 33 year old woman living in the NYC area. I am generally a very healthy eater and exercise daily but have been having a lot of binging issues due to stress at work and have gained over 10 lbs since June. I'd like some support from somebody who struggles with similar issues.
It would be great if we could hold each other accountable by sharing food and exercise diaries.

Please feel free to send me a message introducing yourself.


  • frankiedb
    frankiedb Posts: 277 Member
    I know what you mean about binging issues from work stress. Many years ago I was a smoker so I just took a cigarette break. Then when I stopped smoking I just ate what ever was on hand.
    It's just like any other bad habit that needs to be stopped. Try chewing gum, drinking water or deep breaths.
    No matter how much food you eat it won't remove the stress.
    Keep up with your daily exercises along with a healthy low cal-diet you should be able to lose that 10lbs in no time.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to add me.
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    Hi... funny to find this today. I am in kind of a similar deal. Joined just a few hours ago. Doing a "working weekend" and thinking about this very thing. I'm gonna try to lose about 13lbs. gained for the same reasons. Don't know much about this site or how it works, but am willing to give it a go. Also in NYC.
  • AndreaBG
    AndreaBG Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks. I added both of you. I should also be working this weekend but have been working every weekend almost this whole summer. I tend to go through a pack of gum a day at work.
  • Errada
    Errada Posts: 6 Member
    I have been able to over come my need to binge (so far so good!) but I'd love to have a buddy to help keep me accountable as I am in need of harassment when I stray.