NO weight loss/-20 inches/5wks in/before & during

5 weeks of progress. Not final pics.

I've been working my BUTT off, and today marks the end of week 5 for me. I've done photos every week just for my own personal record of this journey I'm on. As I did my side by sides today, and took my measurements and got on the scale, it left me dumbfounded that my scale is STILL not going down. I have lost all of 1.1 pound as of 5 weeks ago. But, I have lost 19.5 inches. Here are my before and during photos. I'm not sure how far I have left to go, because I've never set inches goals before. My original goal was to reach 125lb. I'm currently 5'3", 28 years old, and 179 lb. I work out for at least an hour a day doing Insanity (I'm ending week 3 today), bike riding, hitting the treadmill for an incline walk or a regular jog, leisure swimming, etc. My main goal is to just not be sitting on my butt all day. I'm active with my kids (3 and 1), and at the end of each day if I've not been lazy, I feel good about myself. The quality and quanitity of the foods I eat has changed drastically, as well. I generally eat clean, though I do not stick to it 100%. I stay away from processed foods and refined sugars, except I do have the ocassional coke :) Anyway, I imagine I've probably got about 6 months left in my jounrey...maybe less. The weight has to drop off on the scale eventually, right????

And yes, my belly looks like it was attacked by wolverine. We can thank my two pregnancies for that. My kids are 2 and 11 months. Cut me some slack ;) These are progress pics, after all. Not before and after!

I tried all options for posting the 5 pics, but couldn't get them to appear. So there's the album link.


  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    Can't see pics- password protected =(

    Way to go anyway!!
  • ammossrn
    ammossrn Posts: 43
    "private album" can't see pics.
  • Oops! Not private anymore.
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    Awesome! Just goes to show that weight isn't everything =) (I have to keep telling myself that too). Cute baby by the way!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I am losing more inches than weight, and I am ok with that.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Nicely done!
  • astheygrowup
    astheygrowup Posts: 188 Member
    You look fantastic! Such a big difference
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I have always lost more inches than pounds! To be honest with you, people think I have lost more weight than I have. Just joined MFP after losing 60 lbs on my own......
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    That's fantastic, especially for 5 weeks. And it just proves further that measuring (and taking progress pictures regularly, for that matter) show your progress so much better than the scale ever will. Well done :)
  • Nice work! Just keep at it, the scale has got to budge eventually. Cute pic where one of the little ones managed to sneak into the photo with Mom :)
  • You can really see the difference! - muscle weighs heavier than fat so that would explain the low loss - I bet you are thrilled
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    don't be discouraged...keep going. When I first started I lost 10 lbs very fast then all of a sudden...nothing. I was getting frustrated because I KNEW i was working my butt off riding my bike and going to the gym but just like you the inches were reducing at a fast rate. I just decided to take what ever my body is giving me...if it's inches then so be it.

    Keep striving!!
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    A picture truly is worth a thousand words. I think the inches part is the most accurate anyway. I am the opposite: the scale is moving but the measurements not so much. I've lost 25 pounds but don't feel like I've lost more than 5 by the way my clothes fit. I would choose measurements over scale any day so keep doing what you're doing because it's working well for you.
  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    Wonderful! Do not worry about the weight, it will come off, but sometimes your body needs to shrink first.
  • Seriously, what you have accomplished in 5 weeks is phenomenal! Just imagine what the next 5 weeks will bring, and the next 5 after that! Congrats on your success, and keep up the great work! You look amazing!
  • BlkGoddezz
    BlkGoddezz Posts: 13 Member
    You look awesome!!! I try not to focus on the numbers because it frustrates me, and makes me feel like giving up. NEVERTHELESS I persist! The changes I have seen is in my waist as evidenced by my tshirts fitting better. Keep up the good work.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Wow, huge difference. Way to go!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    You've done awesome in 5 weeks, wow! Cute baby too :) Gives me hope for when my kiddo is 11 months. I've been losing pretty slowly, but my clothes from last summer fit even though I'm heavier, so I assume I'm also losing inches. Try to focus on how you look and how clothes fit instead of the scale!
  • You can really see the difference! - muscle weighs heavier than fat so that would explain the low loss - I bet you are thrilled

    muscle does not weigh heavier than fat. A POUND is a POUND whether its a POUND of fat or a POUND of muscle or a POUND of feathers. A POUND is a unit of weight it cannot change according to what it is a pound of
  • I think what she meant to say is that a pound of muscle is SMALLER than a pound of fat. Fat takes up more space. Hence the inches going down, but maintaining the weight.

    And to everyone else who has commented, thank you SO MUCH for the positive words!! You seriously have no idea how motivating your comments are. Each week is getting harder and harder mentally, so every bit counts.
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