Need opinions on whether to accept job plz~!

cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
Okay guys I need some help..

I currently work at a hair salon and spa were I am a recptionist/assitant .. I pick up my bosses children from school, clean the shop, answer phone, make appointments, etc. I work around 20 hrs a week get two weeks days off but work saturdays, its a very easy laid back job. I love all my co workers, they are like family to me. The money is so so, enough to get by and not much else. Im starting college in a couple of weeks, and am pursuing a career in either medicine/ vet medicine. The job Im thinking of accepting is a receptionist at a local veterinary clinic. hours are 1-5 monday through fri and occasional sat. It would be great for me to get some experience and help me make a decision for my future career, Im sure the pay is a little bit better. Im just concerned that being in class 8-12 and work 1-5 will leave litle time for studying, working out, etc. I also will feel guilty about leaving my current job and will miss everyone.. advive please!!! thanks for reading!


  • BeantownSooner
    If it were me I would move on to the Vet Clinic. What you'll learn in the future is it's all who you know not what you know. Being on the inside is always better than coming from the outside and getting some applicable experience will be better for you in the long run. Just because you leave the Salon doesn't mean you can't remain friends with everyone.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    To me, experience and potential career advancement aside, the most important would seem to be the study time. I think that takes greater precedence, unless you are just breezing through classes and don't really need the time to study. Talk to them, and see if they can make any accommodations. If not, stick with what works for you now.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    in class 8-12 and work 1-5

    That is a perfect schedule. And I dont know why you would think there would be no time for studying or working out. You have plenty of time do both.

    Do your workout before going to class.

    Go to class
    Go to work

    Come home to get your dinner going and study then.

    This is too easy.

    And - if you are aiming for veterinary medicine, getting a position now in a Vet's office is a foot in the door.. its good common sense to grab it now. Id be willing to bet you would find work-perks that could help you with your education and secure a better position there if you decide to take the job as a receptionist.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    It looks like the total hours are about the same between the two jobs. The distribution is different and you may need to be more focused on time management to keep you class work up to snuff. But - the vet clinic will let you see into what you are thinking of training for while the hairdresser will not. Much better to see what your future can be so you can decide if it is really for you. That way if it is not what you though it was you can be looking for some thing else before you get locked in because of all the money you spent on schooling!
    Also having the experience will help with applications to vet school when you get to that point.

    I say GO FOR IT!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Take it. If it's a small practice with only a couple of techs you will wind up doing way more than receptionist duties . I had a 2nd job at a vet office years ago amd will never forget watching a sterilization on a parakeet!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I would take the new job, get up a little earlier to workout, and have a good study plan in place. I work full time, have 2 kids, go to school half time and still manage to get a workout in most days. It can be done. Good luck!

    ETA Another option would be to maybe keep your current job but volunteer at a local animal shelter a couple hours a week. Could be the best of both worlds.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Take the vet job -- for all the reasons already mentioned.
  • don666car
    don666car Posts: 167 Member
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    sometimes it's just scary to take that "leap" and jump into something new. 8-5 for a regular schedule that includes school and work, would be ideal! my work days are all over the place, sometimes I work from 8:30am - 7:30pm- so I say take it, and you'll learn to make it work. I agree with others the recommendation coming from an office that could potentially have a position open up in the field you're looking to work within, that's much more powerful, as you would likely be the one hired for it, they already know you then. It IS in who you know, as another poster said.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    in class 8-12 and work 1-5

    That is a perfect schedule. And I dont know why you would think there would be no time for studying or working out. You have plenty of time do both.

    Do your workout before going to class.

    Go to class
    Go to work

    Come home to get your dinner going and study then.

    This is too easy.

    And - if you are aiming for veterinary medicine, getting a position now in a Vet's office is a foot in the door.. its good common sense to grab it now. Id be willing to bet you would find work-perks that could help you with your education and secure a better position there if you decide to take the job as a receptionist.

    100% agree. How much time do you think you will be needing to study? 2 hours a day should more than enough, at least in the begining
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    take the vet job for all the reasons listed above, plus it will give you an idea if that is really what you want to do. My daughter wanted to be a vet tech, so she volunteered at a vet clinic while in high school and realized it was not what she wanted, save herself ALOT of money (she's a chef now)
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone! I will most likely go ahead and take the vet job. Its the best thing for me professionally. I will keep yall posted :)
  • mystery928
    Don: I think you should take the vet job..I think it will help you with what you want to do in the future...You can do it all, my friend. go for it and Good luck my friend, wishing you the best in whatever you decide...xoxo:bigsmile:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    in class 8-12 and work 1-5

    That is a perfect schedule. And I dont know why you would think there would be no time for studying or working out. You have plenty of time do both.

    Do your workout before going to class.

    Go to class
    Go to work

    Come home to get your dinner going and study then.

    This is too easy.

    And - if you are aiming for veterinary medicine, getting a position now in a Vet's office is a foot in the door.. its good common sense to grab it now. Id be willing to bet you would find work-perks that could help you with your education and secure a better position there if you decide to take the job as a receptionist.

    this. You may miss your co-workers, but you need to put yourself and career first. "getting by" is no way to go just to make other people happy.