Hi from Colorado Springs! Much needed motivation!

Hey everyone, I am in need of some much needed motivation! I tend to do.awesome in spurts, but lack a friend who keeps me motivated! I'd like to lose another 30 pounds. My biggest problem is not working out frequently. I'm actually looking for genuine friend who wants to have the same goals, not hesitant to speak their mind, maybe a little hard on me, friendly, and some who is consistent or who is struggling to meet their goals too!


  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Hi from Florida

    I'm rather outspoken so I wont be afraid to say what I'm thinking even if it's harsh. But I can offer good words of encouragement. Tomorrow starts my diet, and even though I've tried and tried and tried before, I'm not giving up this time. I'm really determined to get back down to a happy weight for me.
    We can challenge each other even being so far away. I'll send you a friend request. (=

    Good luck!
  • dmh0204
    dmh0204 Posts: 81
    Me too! I need a friend! I'll add both of you!
  • KTlew54
    KTlew54 Posts: 23
    I need harshness and in return can deal it if need be. Feel free to add me.
  • AshleyH615
    AshleyH615 Posts: 5 Member
    I accidentally denied one of your request and didn't mean to! Please add me again, sorry! Im special
  • Hi from Connecticut!!! Wow... it sounds like we are in the same boat!!!!! I also feel like i can use real encouragement and a kick in the booty if i need one!!! Please feel free to friend me also as i am new to this site!!!! You can do it girly!!!!!! :smile:
  • AshleyH615
    AshleyH615 Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome, sounds great! Don't hesitate on telling me I need to work out if you don't see a work out on my completed diary lol! I'm going to start fresh tomorrow with my diary and everything. I need as much motivation as I can get.
  • Me too... I also need to be questioned on my exercise.!!!!!!!! This is gonna be great!!!!!!!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    I'm in Colorado as well, Brighton to be exact...feel free to friend me if you like!
  • Hi everyone!! Can I get in on some of this? I need someone to help motivate me and check up on me to make sure I am sticking to it. My "family" doesn't understand and are perpetually lazy, so I need a healthy family to help guide and make sure I am going in the right direction.

  • AshleyH615
    AshleyH615 Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you, my husband is in the Army and HAS to work out everyday in the morning so he is naturally in shape, and then here I am. I'm ready to get fit too, I used to be very fit and then the last three years I have slowly put on weight. After my second child, I am in need of a lot of help lol. It's been 7 months since my son has been born and I still have not lost of the weight, plus I need to lose some of the weight I had put on before getting pregnant. I'm a mess! Let's keep each other motivated!
  • Feel free to add me as well(:
  • I know this is an old post, but if you are still looking for a friend to help you out, I could use the same! I'm in Colorado Springs.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I don't know if you are planning on joining a gym but if you are check this place out - http://www.altitudeperformance.net/memberships.html
    The owner is former military and offers a military discount to military families.

    Good luck with your fitness goals and welcome to CSprings!