Looking for support

Just started my new healthy life style and I am looking for the most support I can get. Please add. Thanks


  • blazingbabe
    blazingbabe Posts: 40 Member
    This is a great place to start your journey. Feel free to add me.
  • Laughlin2012
    You are among people who are here for the same reasons as you. Today is day 1 of your new lifestyle and tomorrow day 2 and on, and on and on :smile:
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    Feel free to add me if you want additional support, motivation, and general conversation!
  • nomorechub68
    I too am looking for some pals to chat with and to help motivate each other. I only joined last week.....I certainly am here for the right reasons....and am willing to work hard for this.....I am DONE being a fatty mcfatty fat. Please add me as friend! :flowerforyou:
  • mjtull
    mjtull Posts: 12 Member
    it looks like you lost 6 pounds so far good job. What are you dieting struggles?
  • mjtull
    mjtull Posts: 12 Member
    I have found by using cereal with fruit in am orr two poched eggs with two bacon and coffee I get about 222 cal
    For lunch a microwave healthy 300 cal meal keeps me good till dinner
    I snack on low fat cottege cheese with fresh fruit
    Supper is fish or lery lean hamberger, venison or bison with squash, tomato and cucumber.
    Snack is fresh fruit with low cal whipped cream. I use very low cal under 40 for dressing.
    I am losing two pounds per week. The hunger afer i eat only lasts 1/2 hour.