New to Myfitnesspal

I guess I will try this whole introduction thing. I decided to try Myfitnesspal because like most everyone here, I'm wanting to lose a few pounds. I'm not extremely overweight, I'm just unhappy with my appearance and lack of "doing anything". I'm a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children(3 boys and 1 girl). I try to stay as active with my children as I possibly can, but they are at the age where they are getting pretty independent, plus 2 of my 4 children are in school now, and my youngest son will be starting preschool this year. So that leaves me home with my 19 month old daughter. Being cooped up in the house all the time really limits my activity. I have become pretty sedentary these past few years, and I really do not enjoy it at all.

I have changed the way I eat, from the gobs of butter smothering my potatoes, to fresh healthy vegetables, fruits, and leaner meats. I do not drink soda anymore(besides on my cheat day). I have started a workout regime but due to shin splints, and over exerting myself, I took a long hiatus. This time I am going to do it the right way, and at my own pace, to be sure that I don't burn myself out. I've been doing INSANITY, and let me tell you, it's no joke! Freaking INSANE! I do plan on starting my workout routine again this Monday, school will be starting soon, and as I will be up at the butt crack of dawn, I might as well push myself to do it. Plus I will have the time and space with 3 of my 4 children in school/preschool.

Anyways, I guess that's enough introduction for me. Feel free to add me as a friend ONLY for fitness reasons, I'm here to lose the chub, not looking for a date(im happily engaged).


  • Sounds like you are off to a great start!!! I always watch that insanity infomerical...but dam... i'm scared to try it!!!! Good for you!!! I am going to friend request you.. as i am also in this to get back in shape and taking care of myself.. Turning 50 in March.... really would like to feel at the top of my game.... You can do it!!!!!! :)
  • drwgal
    drwgal Posts: 66
    Sandy, Thanks! I know what's good for me and what is not, but sticking to it has been my problem lol. Insanity is well...insane! If I can't conquer it this time around, I may admit defeat and try a different workout program. I had to do something as the local gym just wasn't cutting it.

    And good for you!! It's hard these days to be on the other end of the scale, Wishing you the best of luck in your journey!!
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • This is my first post too. I'm hoping my fitness pal can help my husband and I loose the twenty pounds we need to loose. We get the point that you need to exercise...its the counting the calories that has led to our demise. I know INSANITY too - that's when other concerns take you away from your own well-being. And with a family, or work, or general day to day concerns - INSANITY rules. So, I'm here as a support person and I'll try to figure out how to like you, drwgal and Ivan. Have a great week all! Diane