Need some motivation or something...

I posted this on a different board but it fits here, too & I am desperate. I am SO discouraged! I've been working out more & I'm gaining weight! Before anyone asks if it has to do with my period, it doesn't. I don't get them anymore. This is really frustrating because my weight loss was going so well & now this. What went wrong & how can I fix it? I couldn't have plateaued already. I also don't see where I have lost 13 pounds even. My clothes aren't any looser & I don't look any different. I need some weight loss advice! HELP!!!


  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    You just have to keep going.

    are you underestimating what you are eating? are you WEIGHING everything and not just guesstimating? are you weighing yourself at the same time?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    How much weight have you gained, and over what time period?

    The fact that you're exercising more suggests you might be retaining water. When you start exercising more, or more intensely, your muscles retain water as they repair themselves.
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    Could you open your diary so we can take a look-see?

    Make ONE change this next week, try lots of water...or try mallwalking. Commit to something specific and stick to it. Whether it's no fast food, or no salty snacks...pick ONE thing to make a change. Next week, try adding a second thing.

    If you are stubborn enough, you can make that work for you! Good Luck!
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Ok, don't panic!! You've made some great changes and you've GOT to feel good about that! The same thing happened to me when I started working out like crazy (insanity program) about 6 weeks ago. It took 5 weeks for the scale to start going back down. It was very discouraging at first, but I just listened to the many awesome advisors on this forum that reminded me that it was normal to gain a little because my muscles were retaining water. So I kept it up, and am so glad that I did. Although the scale didn't move like I had originally thought, my strength, flexibility and endurance increased tremendously (as well as my confidence in myself, such a good feeling). Please remember all of the times that you worked out when you were tired, ate healthy while others pigged out, and drank water when you wanted soda/latte/adult beverage of your choice. Keep up the healthy food choices and exercise girl! You're doing great!
  • l_beakley
    Thanks for the tips. According to my scale I've gained 2 pounds since YESTERDAY!!! I weigh/measure everything I eat, I don't eat fast food, I'm vegan so I don't eat much processed food. My food diary is public so feel free to take a look. I guess it could be water, I hadn't thought of that. I did have to get up 4 times last night to go to the bathroom & that has not happened before.
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Hello from Chicago!

    Just finished reading blog of Andie Mitchell who lost 135 lbs five years ago and has kept it off. Found her story very easy to relate to - her struggles, insights, aha moments. She also has great recipes.

    Start here --
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thanks for the tips. According to my scale I've gained 2 pounds since YESTERDAY!!! I weigh/measure everything I eat, I don't eat fast food, I'm vegan so I don't eat much processed food. My food diary is public so feel free to take a look. I guess it could be water, I hadn't thought of that. I did have to get up 4 times last night to go to the bathroom & that has not happened before.

    Ok, that's not fat. Weight loss is not linear, it fluctuates all the time. Honestly. Exercise can make you retain water, increased sodium can make you retain water, increased carbs will hold onto water, hormonal fluctuations cause water retention. If you're going to weigh yourself daily (and there's nothing wrong with it) then you need to accept that your weight won't always go downwards. Don't worry about it, just keep doing and the weight will probably go down again just as quickly.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Now that you've added it to the track it looks like sodium is your issue. For the past week you have been an average of 500 mg over the usual high amount of 2,500mg.

    There is sodium in everything! Especially processed and frozen meals.

    Try to keep your sodium down (and drink more water) and the weight will come back off.

    "I'm vegan so I don't eat much processed food" -- from your diary you do eat a lot of processed foods... the vegan cheese, salsa, pizza sauce, etc are all processed foods and that is a place you are getting a lot of your sodium from.

    Also, you are averaging 5 cups of water a day (at least that's all you have tracked) so you definately should be increasing that.