Addicted to MFP???

AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
Am I the only one addicted to this damn I find myself checking in several times a day....seeing all the progess, optimism, and support we give each other..really helps me....then sometimes I just pop in for fun...

So am I the only one? Anyone? Anyone?


  • Xanne
    Xanne Posts: 27 Member
    Nope, not the only one! Just recently started using MFP again, and I'm on the darn computer all the time. It will probably wear then, but I just hope I can maintain enough interest to stay on track. Last time I didn't have any "friends" - I tend to be a bit of a loner - but now Sheila friended me, and I've decided that the support is really helpful - and fun!

    (And I'm an "old lady", too (71)! I have local friends who just won't (or can't) use a computer except for email. I use it for literally everything! I love MFP - and also my FitBit!
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I think I'm becoming addicted to it too lol.................I think I need to look for a new addiction.......this one keeps me in my seat too much. It's kind of what I need to change in the first place lol
  • Christel36
    Christel36 Posts: 8 Member
    No I think not. I am very addicted to this now :) But I figure there are worse things to be addicted to!
  • Southern_Girl12
    I believe I am too!!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I would check in more often if I didn't have to come down to the basement on the computer. I do what I can on my iPhone but sometimes it's hard because I want to type my reply but with auto correct it's sometimes hard.