Do I really need to eat 1200 calories a day?

I have heard so many times to eat less to lose weight. Now, when I fill out my diary I keep getting the "you are eating too few calories". I am eating between 1000 and 1200 a day and I am eating 3 meals and snacks. I am just really watching what I eat. I have lost 6 pounds in a month. So, if I am eating healthy and not reaching 1200 calories is that okay or will I lose more weight if I eat at least 1200? Thanks for helping.


  • jealous_loser
    You are going to get a lot of different responses.

    From my experience, 1200 calories was not sustainable. I have upped to 1600-1800 a day. I am still losing. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, but I am not stressing over food as much and I am feeling better.

    Listen to your body, it will usually tell you what you need. If you are hungry, feed it. If not, leave it be.

    You should check out the post "In Place of a Road Map, 2.0". I'll find the link.

    This is what I have kinda followed. If you are interested. I find MFP very low for calorie intake.
  • Cassidygriego
    Cassidygriego Posts: 26 Member
    From my own experience of eating 1200 calories a day or less, it didn't feel right for me. Yeah, I lost 15 lbs in about 2 or 3 months,, but a lot of it was also muscle and I felt so weak. I also found myself binging about once a week, which is an eating disorder in itself... I, too, upped my calories to 1600-1800, and I feel great (and I'm still losing)!
    Everyone's different, though. :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My kids (2 1/2 and almost 4 years) eat 1000-1200 calories a day. Most adults do need more than that, even when losing weight.
  • stephmo86
    I ate 1200 for a while, and had ok results, not great. Then I felt sluggish, so I upped it to 1400. After doing that for a week and drinking more water, I dropped a couple of pounds. It's been consistent ever since, and I feel A-Ok!
  • 78Octane
    78Octane Posts: 68
    There must be at least 10 of these posts per day. Try using the search feature and you will get all of your questions answered. Not trying to be rude, but it gets old repeating the same thing everyday pertaining to the whole 1200 calories per day scenario.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    A friend on here told me my body needs at 1200 calories to even function. I eat 800-1,000 calories a day and I don't see that I am losing anything eating that low of calories.
  • dfeuser
    dfeuser Posts: 4
    Thanks much! I will check out the link.
  • tking867
    tking867 Posts: 2 Member
    If you eat too few calories your metabolism will slow down - thinking you are starving. Eat several small meals per day and follow the recommended calories and you will feel better and lose weight.
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    There is no doubt about it, you will lose weight staying on a 1000-1200 Cal. Meal plan. But the real fact is that you are not getting even close enough nutrition for your body. There are days when I want to just hit 1500 cal, but even that for me is not even. I try and stay within 1700 - 2000. Your body needs nutrition if it doesn't, you will start losing muscle mass, or tone which means when you start lose all the weight your body won't look so healthy. Your putting your body in starvation mod, and it eats at your muscle tissue. It might taking a little longer to lose weight, but wouldn't you rather be healthy, and feel amazing while losing the weight. (: Just some advice :D
  • dfeuser
    dfeuser Posts: 4
    This is the first time I posted anything. I will be sure to check the search feature next time. Sorry if it was a repeat to some. If it is such a big deal for you to reply, then don't waste your time and post something.
  • smilesalot1969
    Like some of the other girls i started on 1200 calories. The scale barely budged and i was tired and cranky. I upped my calories to 1400-1500 and i feel so much better and the weight is starting to come off
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    There must be at least 10 of these posts per day. Try using the search feature and you will get all of your questions answered. Not trying to be rude, but it gets old repeating the same thing everyday pertaining to the whole 1200 calories per day scenario.

    Well you are being rude. Just plainly do not reply to those posts then if your are sick of it getting old.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Follow the link and do your own calculations based on your weight, age, height and measurements (need to calculate BF%) If you follow the instructions your daily total will include both your deficit and you exercise burn. Having a single daily calorie goal makes it a lot easier than chasing after how much did I burn today and how much more do I need to eat to keep my deficit at a stable amount. It may seem complicated the first time you read it but hang in there it is worth following!
  • wordsofafeather
    There must be at least 10 of these posts per day. Try using the search feature and you will get all of your questions answered. Not trying to be rude, but it gets old repeating the same thing everyday pertaining to the whole 1200 calories per day scenario.

    Just because you say "Not trying to be rude" doesn't mean you're not being rude. You're just letting the person know you know you're being rude, but don't want to seem like a d*ck.

    She's asking a question, let her ask a question. We're all here for help & these type of answers get us no such help. There is no such thing as a silly question, so if you feel "it gets old repeating the same thing every day" then DON'T respond to the same question everyday...
  • suestonecipher
    Thanks for the post. I am new here and want to read everything. I don't necessarily want to read "conventional wisdom"-I want to hear what real people are saying. If I only wanted pat answers, I would do a Google search.
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    There must be at least 10 of these posts per day. Try using the search feature and you will get all of your questions answered. Not trying to be rude, but it gets old repeating the same thing everyday pertaining to the whole 1200 calories per day scenario.

    "Not to be rude"? Too bad you WERE being rude. Who cares if there are 10 posts like this a day? You don't have to reply at all, and then it won't get old repeating the same thing! Simple solution.
  • wordsofafeather
    This is the first time I posted anything. I will be sure to check the search feature next time. Sorry if it was a repeat to some. If it is such a big deal for you to reply, then don't waste your time and post something.

    You have NOTHING to be sorry about!! That replier is an a*hole. This whole site is about a community of people trying to lose, gain, or maintain a healthy weight. We ALL have questions; it's completely okay to ask!! There will always be those negative people out there that feel like they know everything & are so much better than everyone else. Get off your high horse, man.
    & to be honest, your question could be the EXACT one someone else is looking to know but is too afraid to ask (probably bc of the d*cks like that guy) & they can get their answer that way. So NEVER hesitate to ask. :)
  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    i'd also check your carbs/fat/protein intake in your food log---see what you aren't getting enough of. you can always supplement with a protein shake or ensure or whatnot :)
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    a lot depends on age size what exercise you do etc. i tend to eat 800ish a day, im not telling others to eat low but its good for me. my diarys open but dont take any notice of what ive ate today and yesterday im in hospital tomorrow and have had to cut out all fiber.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    If you eat too few calories your metabolism will slow down - thinking you are starving. Eat several small meals per day and follow the recommended calories and you will feel better and lose weight.
    just one more thing, the above comment has been prove wrong. i can prove that, ive lost loads.