Help! I'm so confused!! *Female input appreciated!*


So I've been on a strict 1200 NET calorie diet (healthy foods with the occasional snacks) for about 3 weeks now and I lost about 6 pounds so far. Recently, however, just when I hit my lowest weight, I gained about 2-3 pounds overnight (without eating more than my allotted 1200 calories) . I found out that this was a few days before my period started and though I am still on my period, my weight is continuing to stay 3 pounds above my lowest weight so far. I've been doing the 30 day shred which has been why I've been losing weight (I believe) and I haven't stopped working out even when I felt horrible/moody during my period. I know that it's normal to gain weight during your period because of bloat, and yes, there are times when I feel bloated, but I don't feel bloated all the time and I don't feel discomfort all day long, which is why I am confused as to why I am gaining weight. I also know that muscle replacing fat weighs more so the numbers on the scale might not mean much but I don't think I've gained THAT MUCH muscle over the course of a few days and I can't help but feel disheartened. I've been drinking 8 cups of water a day and drinking a cup of green tea after each meal. Will I lose this extra weight that I've gained or am I doing something wrong with my diet? I admit, these last few days I haven't been eating as healthy but this was AFTER the weight gain and I've still kept my daily calorie limit to 1200, give or take a 100 calories on certain days. Please tell me what I am doing wrong and what I can do to fix this!! Will I lose this weight that I've gained during my period? I am 5' 6'' and my starting weight was 146. I am now 143 when I weigh myself in the morning. HELP!

*I weigh myself at roughly the same time each morning and my weight has been consistent (not going up) after every loss.*

Thanks to all who answer :)


  • mhuch110
    mhuch110 Posts: 130 Member
    Two things....

    1. It is reasonable to gain weight during your period. I gain up to five pounds and it usually drops way down after. Just continue to do what you are doing....the right things. The weight you/we are gaining is not "fat". It's water.

    2. It is not muscle. There is no possible way you can add muscle in a short amount of time, while on a calorie deficit.

    Hang in there!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I personally think you should up your daily calorie intake. I started eating 1250 a day and was losing very slowly and even gained a few times. I upped to 1500 and have been consistently losing at a faster, yet gradual, pace. I also agree with the above post that you will gain water weight during and around your period.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    ^^^^ agreed with 1st post ! i can gain p to about 7 pounds (loads i know!!) but it is just the bloat and water and goes again after its finished. i tend to have about 2 1/2 weeks a month where the scale is my friend. :) i wouldnt worry about the scale while your on just keep on doing what you are doing! good luck with the shred and good on you for keeping at it while you feel yuck. xxx
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Two things....

    1. It is reasonable to gain weight during your period. I gain up to five pounds and it usually drops way down after. Just continue to do what you are doing....the right things. The weight you/we are gaining is not "fat". It's water.

    2. It is not muscle. There is no possible way you can add muscle in a short amount of time, while on a calorie deficit.

    Hang in there!

    What she said.

    It is water weight. Whether from working out or from your TOM it will go away eventually. Since your diary isn't open I don't know what macros you are tracking but I'd start watching sodium intake as well. 3lbs is an extra 10500 calories. No way you ate that much. Drink more water, eat less sodium. Don't give up.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    It's VERY normal for your body's weight to fluctuate DAILY +/- 5lbs even, let alone 3. I wouldn't fret so much over 3lbs...Weight will not only fluctuate because of changes in hormones, but a number of things like weather, the time of day you weigh yourself, and changes in workouts can adjust your weight. I wouldn't freak out until it was like an excessive amount of gain like 7 or 8.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Two things....

    1. It is reasonable to gain weight during your period. I gain up to five pounds and it usually drops way down after. Just continue to do what you are doing....the right things. The weight you/we are gaining is not "fat". It's water.

    2. It is not muscle. There is no possible way you can add muscle in a short amount of time, while on a calorie deficit.

    Hang in there!

    This. Also, I'm 3 pounds lighter than you and eat at LEAST 1800 a day.
  • HellaCarriefornia
    HellaCarriefornia Posts: 102 Member
    Just keep at it. The first couple of times I had my period while tracking on MFP, I was dismayed at the weight fluctuation, too. I couldn't believe that having my period would actually be the cause for gaining so much. But for me, it really was. My weight goes up about 3 days before I start and doesn't drop back down until almost the very end. But, it does. I was getting discouraged, so I usually don't weigh myself for those 7-10 days. When I do eventually weigh myself again, my weight is usually lower than before my period started, so I really did keep "losing weight" that whole time.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    Besides daily weight fluxuations you can gain a bunch of weight due to your period. I can go up to 7 pounds. Don't weigh yourself during that time. It'll mess with your head. But it goes away after. And also thing you need to eat more than 1200 calories. 1200 calories seems all the rage here LOL.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    Hi, I am close to you in height but heavier (5'7" 168 lbs) and I'd been on a 1200-1300 net calorie diet for month 2 of my life on MFP. I was stalling on the dreaded plateau. This week I upped it to 1550 net calories per day. I think it's probably my TOM but I still lost a couple pounds this week after raising my calorie intake. I just did it as an experiment this week and I think I am ready at this point to stick with it for a month and see what happens.

    I based the 1550 number off an average of a likely BMR (base minimum requirement of calories to keep a body my size functional) as calculated by a few online BMR calculators I found by doing a google search for "BMR calculator". This includes my height, weight, and base activity level, which on here is "lightly active". It's not as good as what a doctor can tell you about your body but it was easier than making an appointment.

    I found that for me, at 1200-1300, I was not hungry or low energy, but I did not have a lot of success losing weight. For whatever reason at 1000-1100 I would be sleeping all day in a way that was making me feel really sick, and I'd be spaced out and have trouble focusing. And at 1550 I feel hungrier and I can run faster and I'm losing weight. So to me this says that, in my body, 1200-1300 is something I can live on but not move my metabolism on, 1000-1100 is not something I can NOT live on, and 1500-1600 is probably my sweet spot for revved metabolism and losing weight.

    All of these numbers are "net calories" numbers, rather than total calories eaten for the day.

    All that said I have sometimes "gained" a stupid amount of water weight during my TOM (10 lbs once, literally overnight). It goes away but for me sometimes it takes a long time, possibly because of my fairly high sodium diet. What can I say, salt addict. I'm currently trying to go on a lower sodium diet to see what happens when I don't go into the red on sodium every single day.

    Dunno if any of that is helpful for your situation. Good luck!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    A couple of things - step away from the scale - it is evil! Look at your measurements instead. You can fluctuate by several pounds a day with the weight of the food and water you ingest.

    Sodium will make you hold water -you need to keep your intake low and drink lots of water to help flush out the sodium you eat so your body will release the water it is holding.

    TOM is notorious for causing water retention some people can gain 5-8 lbs during their TOM.

    Also your calorie intake is more than likely too low. MFP will give you a low target if you tell it you want to loose 2 lbs a week - that number is not healthy. Look at the link above, it will walk you through the process of finding your TDEE - your total daily energy expenditure. Use your TDEE - 20% as your calorie target. This will include both you calorie deficit as well as your exercise burn so you will not have to chase after your exercise calories at the end of the day.

    With more realistic targets it is much easier to maintain you journey to better health for the long run!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Two things....

    1. It is reasonable to gain weight during your period. I gain up to five pounds and it usually drops way down after. Just continue to do what you are doing....the right things. The weight you/we are gaining is not "fat". It's water.

    2. It is not muscle. There is no possible way you can add muscle in a short amount of time, while on a calorie deficit.

    Hang in there!

    I don't lose my TOM weight until it's over either. Just wait it out ^_^
  • masarc
    masarc Posts: 12
    You will definitely lose it again but the most important thing is not to lost momentum because you feel upset about this that can lead to binges and such
  • kphelps1123
    i literally made a post exactly like this as a status yesterday. i went up 2 pounds overnight. i now decided i'm not weighing myself until a couple days after i'm off my period. i did a decent amount of research and like all the pp's are saying, it's absolutely normal. just try not to freak out, and def avoid the scale
  • liss125
    liss125 Posts: 77
    A couple of things - step away from the scale - it is evil! Look at your measurements instead. You can fluctuate by several pounds a day with the weight of the food and water you ingest.

    Sodium will make you hold water -you need to keep your intake low and drink lots of water to help flush out the sodium you eat so your body will release the water it is holding.

    TOM is notorious for causing water retention some people can gain 5-8 lbs during their TOM.

    Also your calorie intake is more than likely too low. MFP will give you a low target if you tell it you want to loose 2 lbs a week - that number is not healthy. Look at the link above, it will walk you through the process of finding your TDEE - your total daily energy expenditure. Use your TDEE - 20% as your calorie target. This will include both you calorie deficit as well as your exercise burn so you will not have to chase after your exercise calories at the end of the day.

    With more realistic targets it is much easier to maintain you journey to better health for the long run!

    Agreed! Maybe stop weighing yourself so often. I try to only weigh myself once a week. It causes mind games sometimes.
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    I too was sticking to a 1200 calorie diet...then I zig zagged my calories and started to lose weight rather quickly. So I have continued to do this and only gained 1 pound during my TOM in stead of the 3-5 I was gaining. I zig zag my calories a 2x a week. I average the same amount of calories per week but I add 100-200 calories the 2 days wile subtracting those calories the other days. It mixes up your body some how and the weight has been coming off. Good luck!
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I gain about 3 lbs like the day or day before TOM and then I after about 4 days it drops back down again. I have heard of some women only having a week or two the whole month where they don't have the added water wait from TOM. I guess that I should count myself as lucky. Just track it and maybe even put a not in your journal about it so that you know what to expact and what is normal for you.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    What they all said!!

    Also, if you are drinking sodas, even diet, you will bloat and can hold water even more. Upping your calories for a few days is not a bad idea either, just make sure they are good calories is all.

    Best wishes!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Two things....

    1. It is reasonable to gain weight during your period. I gain up to five pounds and it usually drops way down after. Just continue to do what you are doing....the right things. The weight you/we are gaining is not "fat". It's water.

    2. It is not muscle. There is no possible way you can add muscle in a short amount of time, while on a calorie deficit.

    Hang in there!

    and up your calorie intake. I'd be any amount of money that you're not eating enough. and stop weighing if you get so stressed out about 3lbs of water weight.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Don't weight yourself during your period. Emotions are already running high and seeing that number go up just gives you more reason to abandon your diet and eat junk, at least that's what happened to me in the past. We gain during our period, its natural and it will go away. Stick to your plan and walk away from the scale
  • grant_me_wings
    grant_me_wings Posts: 5 Member
    What everyone above said.

    And also, think about your salt intake. While salt has no calories, it can make it look like you are gaining weight by causing you to retain water. That's why people gain 5 pounds after eating at a Chinese restaurant!

    I have graphs of weight loss over 9 months of daily weights, and I see the trend of weight loss "slowing down" around period time, and speeding up right after. It's all about the water balance!