I'm sick of being fat!!!

Hi everyone, I've been on and off MFP for about 2 years now. I always read the message boards for motivation, especially the success stories (for the pictures) but I've never posted anything. I'm at the point where I'm desperate for any kind of help. I've struggled with weight my whole life, but I was never over weight until I graduated high school and got my first job in the restaurant industry. The pounds slowly crept on over the years, I was on my own from 18 until now (I turn 26 this month) and I didn't have a lot of money, being a cook I could eat for free. I ate all the wrong foods and never worked out because I was so tired from working all day. After 9 years in the industry I ended up being 245 pounds at 5'5. As soon as I left that line of work I dropped 10 pounds and have been struggling to get the rest off. I now weigh 227. My point of view on life and what my goals are have completely changed. I have almost completely cut out all processed foods, I try to eat clean, I don't want to be skinny I want to be athletic. My biggest problem is being consistent. I will do really good for a week or two and then mess it up big time. My main problem is I live/take care of my grandparents who have junk in the house 24/7. I have the typical grandma who feels hurt if you don't eat everything she makes you. I am doing this all on my own and I am so sick of failing, I only have myself to blame. I live in Jacksonville Florida if there are any other people who live here want to get together, if not I would love any support I could get. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.


  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    I've found that this app really works if you stick to it. If you really want to make a life style change you need to commit, It's hard but doable, my grandmother guilts me into eating food as well, maybe you should try and explain that you can't eat the things she has because of your diet. it might hurt her feelings, but it's affecting your health as well. Wish you the bestest of luck on reaching your goals, you can do this!
  • cbirchett58
    cbirchett58 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you so much, I probably should have mentioned she has the beginning signs of Alzheimer's so I have to tell her every time she offers that I can't have that type of food.
  • louiesa55
    louiesa55 Posts: 35 Member
    i'm with you. i am trying to lose 30 pounds myself. my husban keep telling me that i don't need to loose and buys me candy, chip and other things that i don't need been on a diet for about a month and have lost 14 pounds. like you need some encourging words.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    It sometimes feels like a never ending battle but so worth it in the end when u have achieved ur goal.  
    Let ur grandma know that your on a diet and let her know what foods you can eat, maybe even buy some healthy food and leave it at her place.  In that way if she is the one cooking u can still eat what she puts in the plate and eat healthy. 

    I did this with my parents and worked out better, now they are eating health too. 

    If you need ppl to motivate feel free to add me I am pretty active on this site. 

    Cheers and good luck !!! 
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    feel free to add me....open your food diary to friends and i will keep and eye on your progress. goog luck. i will add you as a friend
  • hiawathaperez
    hiawathaperez Posts: 71 Member
    I suppose that is why we are all here. Sick o being fat.

    On week-ends I have a sitter job with a client whos home is full of
    seriously awful food. All pre packaged, pre pared awful awful.

    I have started keeping adkins in the fridge and I pre make smoothies
    with fresh spinach, etc and so on.....


    always with the big butt.....it is still tempting to have a cookie or just
    a bite of chicken fried steak.....

    always a struggle.

    Take heart once you develop a dogged determination to get this thing done.....
    nothing absolutely nothing will ever get in your way....

    I broke free this week-end haven't touched the lemon bundt cake and am excited to weigh in when I get home....
    cuz nothing is gonna get in my way. I even brought 30 day shred with me to keep on track.

    You can do it....Ask Grammy to help you. It is for your life. Your future health depends on it.
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    I'd suggest that you get fully involved in MFP, add friends, log your food and participate in discussions. You will get to know people all around the world. You'll see that many people are on here because they have the same (problem) that you are experiencing, you'll become friends with body builders who are here to tone up and log their food , and you'll see kids with ED concerns.......there are a many different reasons to be on MFP. When you commit yourself to change, and are involved with your MFP friends, you can discus what works, what doesn't, lean on others when you have a bad day...it works. But, in my humble opinion, your problem is not that your grandmother has junk food around, the problem is you--- & the choice you make to eat that food. You have to take ownership of what you do as you will always be around food that tempts you...you have to control those urges. Myself, I had the same problem but thru MFP & logging my food, I've taught myself self control. I still eat pizza, ice cream & cookies...but all with moderation...and I lost 40 lbs in 4 months doing that. You can do this! You have the power & the friends to help you. Add me if you'd like.
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    I like the cleaner life style approach. But I think to really get going you have to increase activity. Two years is a long time to stick with it, so it says you have the ability to stick with a life style for a while. Add me if you like we can motivate each other to keep moving. it's hard to stay active in August :-(
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    You can totally do this! Just log everything and get up and go for walks, or walk up and down the stairs an extra time every time. The weight will come off if you stick to it!
  • muddog1109
    I know how you feel, I am here to lose some of this fat that has accumelated on my once tiny body. If you need a pal to go through this jurney with you can add me.
  • dcjackson50
    Feel free to add me,....I. Sick and tired of being sick and tired,...lol
    Sick of tight clothes,...sick of guilty weekends Sundays because I always mess up my routine and overeat drink and skip the gym,.....so being consistent is key, and where I struggle most.
    For me logging food ahead of time so the next day is planned really helps

    Good Luck

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm sick of being fat too =(
    Feel free to add me!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I will do really good for a week or two and then mess it up big time.

    something really important to remember: "messing up" doesn't equal failure. A lot of people will mess up for a day or two, and feel so bad, and like they have failed, that it's hard to "start over" so they say "screw it, may as well keep eating some more junk."

    Try a different perspetive. You probably didn't get heavy by eating poorly once or twice every few weeks right? So, instead of focusing on the day (or 2, or 3) that you didn't do so well, think of the days before that when you were able to stick to your goals, and how good that feels, and let that be your motivation for getting back on track. Put the bad day behind you, and move on, don't let it drag you down.
  • cbirchett58
    cbirchett58 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the motivational words. It means a lot to me. I hope we can all support each other.
  • Ken_Roper
    Ken_Roper Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome back! MFP has helped me to be honest with myself. Otherwise, I just con't total up the calories and mess up big time. I have several friends who help me, as well. Be sure to let them view your food diary as that helps keep you honest and accountable. You may certainly add me as a friend...I would be honored to go down this road with you.
  • Siobhan247
    im new to this only after joining today! i have a long journey ahead ... its a bit daunting! anyone from ireland here?!