Has anyone drastically changed their bodyshape?

So I've dieted forever (some detail on my blog) and I'm sick of it so I'm changing tact... I'm going to get uber fit. But I had a wobble today... what if my body isn't supposed to look that way?

I'm a bit of a classic pear, but not overly exageratted. I've always had a big bottom and thighs and have always had cellulite even when slim. The bottoms of my legs are heavy and since having my daughter my stomach has zero definition - not that it really ever did. My mum has the exact same shape but she has never exercised a day in her life. I've never really exercised properly - some cardio but not weights so i've no idea what I can achieve.

I'm looking for some motivation from women who have turned this around and changed their bodies through exercise rather than just diet. Anyone?


  • dsimpson112
    Hi there! I have done exactly what you are suggesting, most recently when I was 37 years old, so I can verify that it is do-able at just about any age. How did I do it?

    1) eating BEYOND clean, Weighing, measuring and logging everything I put in my mouth.
    2) Cardio 3-4 times a week..usually jogging but some aerobic classes every so often to keep my body guessing and occasionally jumping rope.
    3) Lifting weight like a guy (and NO i didn't look like a guy by doing so). I lifted for about 60 minutes 3-4 times a week and usually dumbbells and barbels, not machines.
    4) Logging my workouts and increasing intensity each week.

    You CAN do it! They key is dedication, determination and consistency!

    Hope this motivates you!

  • LauraThirty
    Hi there! I have done exactly what you are suggesting, most recently when I was 37 years old, so I can verify that it is do-able at just about any age. How did I do it?

    1) eating BEYOND clean, Weighing, measuring and logging everything I put in my mouth.
    2) Cardio 3-4 times a week..usually jogging but some aerobic classes every so often to keep my body guessing and occasionally jumping rope.
    3) Lifting weight like a guy (and NO i didn't look like a guy by doing so). I lifted for about 60 minutes 3-4 times a week and usually dumbbells and barbels, not machines.
    4) Logging my workouts and increasing intensity each week.

    You CAN do it! They key is dedication, determination and consistency!

    Hope this motivates you!


    This really does Dee - thank you so much!!!! I look at the other women in my family and I think, maybe I'll never look how I want to. But if you can do it, I can do it! I'm trying so hard with the weights - lifting the heaviest I can which is HARD but I am cracking on with it. Not quite an hour yet but still, it's a start!

    It's strange when in the past I've just eaten as little as possible and then sat still a lot as no energy! duh.