Food help!

My diary is open, and I would like you guys to look at it and tell me your honest opinions. Is my diet healthy? Am I exercising enough? I am lossing weight, but lately I have felt fatter than ever. When I sit and slouch, I have like 4 rolls! I do toning exercises and everything. Do you have ay suggestions as how to tone my whole body more effectively? ANY help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Discogirl15
    bump! hoping someone will comment
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    Currently it's telling me your diary is not open.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Not open :(
  • Discogirl15
    oops, sorry, NOW its open:blushing:
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Well, since you asked...

    You aren't eating enough. I'm not going to give any other advice but to eat at least 1200 clories a day.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    cardio, cardio, cardio!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I would switch out a lot of that bread for protein or veggies. Eat more protein anyway and add more veggies.

    Also, don't slouch when you sit. (sorry, I'm a mom)
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    I also agree your not eating enough calories. Not enough will slow your metabolism way down and you may gain weight in the long run.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    looks good to me, but just be sure you're eating at least 1200/day!! it's ESSENTIAL. and you clearly seem to be eating healthy food, which is good--don't get too stressed about all the message board conversations about what you can/can't eat (peanut butter, diet soda, carbs). If you listen to EVERY person out there, you won't be allowed to eat anything!! Just find what's right for you and stick with it. :)
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Assuming you're accurately reporting, you're eating too little. I would increase your calories and % protein, and try to eat more whole foods. My guess (without being given any other information) is that this is a perception issue, not a getting fatter issue.
  • maggie2731
    i think u need to eat a little more. like 1200cal per day. my doctor told me i had to eat 1500 cal per day to lose weight. I think if u dont eat more one day u will be so hungry and binge. i used to do that. other than that i think u doing well.
  • Discogirl15
    :smile: Unfortuinitly, I LOVE bread, and it is one of my only options for lunch... But thanks anyway.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    :smile: Unfortuinitly, I LOVE bread, and it is one of my only options for lunch... But thanks anyway.

    Well try to add some more protein with it then. That might help. Also try to eat whole grain type breads too. I can't eat bread but do remember the types of bread make a difference and crackers always made me hungry.

    Find the healthiest stuff you like and eat more of it.
  • Discogirl15
    Assuming you're accurately reporting, you're eating too little. I would increase your calories and % protein, and try to eat more whole foods. My guess (without being given any other information) is that this is a perception issue, not a getting fatter issue.

    O, believe me, I deffinently am accurately reporting, I go on at LEAST 10 times a day to add or change things... I am a little OCD...
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    Eat 1200 Calories/day minimum.

    Cut your Carbs by 75% and quadruple your protein.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Eat more food. Add in vegetables and fruits. Get rid of the fake meat products. They're loaded with GMO's.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    1200 calories minimum and add more veggies and more protein. If you're a vegetarian, try beans, cottage cheese, and tofu. Double your cereal portions, eat the full serving of peanut butter (2 tbs) and you could quickly meet the 1200 requirement. Good luck. Sounds like you know what to do; just up the calories mainly.
  • Discogirl15
    I would switch out a lot of that bread for protein or veggies. Eat more protein anyway and add more veggies.

    Also, don't slouch when you sit. (sorry, I'm a mom)

    Do you have any lunch ideas that are cheep and do not involve bread?
  • Discogirl15
    Also, do you guys think I am getting enough exercise?
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Cut your Carbs by 75% and quadruple your protein.

    She doesn't need to cut her carbs that low. She's 18 (or younger since the site is full of minors who say they're 18) and probably doing just cardio, she needs those carbs.

    OP, you're not eating enough of anything. Medically speaking, you're still growing up. You gave us nothing about your height and weight and unless you are tiny, this 800~ calories on average will cause you health problems in the long run. Are you overweight or are you trying to 'see bones'? I'm sorry for asking but it's the common trend.