Cranberry CRAZE!

Being a scientifically minded person, I know the concept that if you love something, and crave it, there must be something beneficial its doing for your body, ESPECIALLY if its something that's healthy for you.

Well this year, I have developed an absolute CRAZE for cranberries. Actually, I'm just talking about dried cranberries (including craisins), and 100% cranberry juice. I've also been reading up on Ayurveda and apparently cool, dry, quick-minded individuals tend to like fruits in general, and benefit from the sour and sweet taste. However, I'm considered Kapha, the slow moving dosha, who should actually feel more bogged down by this taste. (Okay scientists, I know there's no research behind these claims...ha)

Now, I just have to say, there is SOMETHING about cranberries. I feel so healthy, so balanced when I eat dried. I almost want to say that my spirit goes to a slightly higher level, and aligns. Of course in small doses. Otherwise I have stomach cramps and on the toilet haha! But its not the same for raisins, or any other fruit juices.

Any ayurvedic, scientific, or otherwise personal perspectives anyone wants to add? Do you have any "power" foods that do this to you, aside from its nutrients alone?


  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I eat them cause they are yummy and I tend to get uti's if I don't