Hi I'm Melissa, I have over 100lbs to lose!

Hi there I'm going to start by saying I got myself here and I'm going to get myself out of it! I can make excuses all day long of why I got to this weight but the only real excuse is i let myself eat what I wanted and didn't exercise. I just joined a gym this past week after exercising at home for the past 2 months. I went from barely being able to walk through the grocery store to walking 1 to 3 miles a day! anyways I hope all of you reach your goals! have a blessed night:flowerforyou:


  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    Great start!! You can do this :D
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    Go for it!!
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    Welcome! :)

    I started with 115lbs to lose and now I'm down to only 85 left... yes i say only because i know it's possible!

    Feel free to add me!

    I also have wonderful tips at www.ceejourney.tumblr.com that I have found to help me on this transition to becoming fit! :wink:
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Hi Melissa!! I'm just starting out as well. I've been exercising for a year now, but have never watched what I ate until recently. I have 97 pounds to go. We can do this!!!! You are off to a great start, BTW!! :flowerforyou:
  • sherirn96
    sherirn96 Posts: 1 Member
    I love your attitude Melissa! I am in the same boat you are. I can make excuses after exuses but the real reason is lack of discipline. I want to be healthy so I can have some energy to play with my kids and live a healthy adult life! Lets do this!
  • Nicoleholmes2
    Nicoleholmes2 Posts: 49 Member
    Your not alone, I wish you luck on this journey as well!
  • kittyconni
    Hi there! I started this journey in March of this year. 55 pounds down, 30 more to go! Together, we can all reach our goals!! Nice to meet you!
  • nangel4u
    nangel4u Posts: 119
    You can do this!!!! It looks like you are off to a good start, Just keep at it and the weight WILL keep coming off!!!!! I started at 209 and I am now down to 170... I felt like giving up so many times but dont, your worth so much more ;-)

    You can add me if you like ;-)
  • mcasi002
    Congrats! Getting started is the hardest part. I'm almost at the end of my journey and it feels great. You just need to go one day at a time. Looking at the long term might be a little daunting but if you start off just working one day at a time, you'll be just fine!
  • xHayPandax
    Hi :) I'm Hayley. Now I'm only 17 but I've wanted to lose weight for a long time. I've always tried and failed but this time, I'm going to put my head to it and try my hardest. I have 85 pounds to lose and I'm ready to finally drop it all.
  • Melissat33
    Thanks everyone who commented and or added me and who accepted my request! Ur stories are so inspiring to me super excited to get more of this weight off I am down 20lbs so that's a small step of what I have to lose! I have decided that taking small steps at a time is not as stressful as looking at the BIG picture! I can't "weight" to share my before and after photos! Anyway thanks again and I wish u all good health and happiness!!
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    Awesome start!!! You'll get there :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You can do it! We all can do it we just need to keep moving foward and fighting.
  • nicholettebell
    You can do it!!!
  • Melissat33
    Congratulations everyone to those who have just started to those who have already made it to their goal each of you inspire me to keep going all of u have truly gave me the encouragment i need to keep pushing on! I can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow!! Y'all ROCK!
  • Tucsonwoman
    Tucsonwoman Posts: 38 Member
    You can definitely do this! If any one had told me 3 months ago I'd learn to love to exercise and eat right I'd have laughed in their face! But now that I've lost almost 25lbs I feel so much better that I actually look forward to both. You can do this!!
  • Melissat33
    Comgratulations on ur weight loss!! I have currently Lost 23lbs I had forgot to update mfp when I restarted it a few months ago. My weight loss on here is 11 lbs off also sometimes I am a couple minutes after midnight logging in and it restarts my straight loggin days and starts me over lol!
  • NanaBeana
    Kudoos to you Melissa! You have taken the first step.

    I am right behind you with needing to lose about 80lbs! I am 52 so I know it will be harder to get off..but I know I can do it and so can you!

  • dalissalee
    dalissalee Posts: 289 Member
    You can do this! I have over 100 lbs to lose, too. So far, I've lost 26. One step at a time. Sending you a friend request.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Welcome Melissa, I'm with you...no excuses. It's definitely harder to do this at 53 but I will! At my highest two years ago I weighed 248. After being diagnosed as type 2 I got down to 205. I gained some back and started this year at 230. I joined MFP at 226 and have lost 5 lbs. We can do this and this site is the place to start, Very supportive and motivating. Please feel free to add me. And good luck on your journey.