How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day??



  • I love how some people here are bragging about their water consumption when the guy was asking for suggestions and help. Way to be supportive. Not.

    way to criticize people and not give advice.
    I did give advice. Look up farther. Thanks.
  • Flavia24
    Flavia24 Posts: 12
    8 glasses is WRONG.

    I mean, you could if you wanted too, but you do get a lot of water through the food you eat, so that many glasses is not necessary.

    Drink lots of water, but 8 glasses is not the rule.
  • I dont have a problem particulalry when training, but I find that if I just sip away during the day I dont even notice the amount. Give that a try and see how you go
  • Since dropping soda I don't have to use the restroom NEAR as often. And I don't feel bloated like I used to. Sometimes on a weekend I still mindlessly grab a diet soda instead of water, and it hurts. I will never go back.

    I'm the Tinkle Monster even after 1 cup of tea! Darn caffeine!

    But the toilet trips do settle after a week. Trust me on this. I've gone from 9 trips at work down to 4 this week.
    Each time you up it this will happen.
  • I gradually worked up to it. I find that drinking 1 cup or more of water first thing in the morning and before each meal works well. Drinking water during or after a meal interferes with digestion and gives you that full/bloated feeling.
    I now bring my water bottle with me almost everywhere I go.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    I have always struggled with getting a good amount of water in daily. In the past I was consuming juices, cokes, etc and I really didn't like the taste of water. So when I started MFP, I realized the importance of water intake and knew I needed to make some changes. It has become easier now, but it still is something that I have to make an "effort" to get to my water goal. I now try for 10 cups per day but I don't always get there....

    A few things that work for me:

    start slow. set a goal for maybe 5 cups per day and then increase when your body gets used to it.
    insulated water bottle that I keep at work and try to fill up a few times a day.
    I always start my day with 8oz of water each and every morning, before I eat or drink anything else.

    Good luck!
  • I have a 17 oz glass that I love. I was mindlessly filling it with water several times a day and it wasn't' until I stopped and counted all those fill ups that I realized I was drinking at least 80 oz (10 cups/glasses) a day. Find a good sized water bottle and fill it up in the morning and just see how much you can go through. I bet you'll surprise yourself :)
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    It was quite a "chore" for me too when I first started drinking at least 8 glasses a day. I guess my body has gotten used to it, because I don't pee every 20-30 minutes liked I used to. But 4 of my glasses come from drinking hot green tea. And the other 4 come from just plain ol' bottled water. I always have a bottle or two with me. It's now very easy for me to drink 10-12 glasses a day with no problem. There's also the added incentive of what water does for your skin! Just stick with it, it will eventually become 2nd nature to you!
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I drink 8 glasses like before the end of the day lol.
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    i fill my camelback bottle from my brita. the bottle is 750mL, or about 24oz. the spout connected to the straw is that rubbery "bite valve" and i think I like to chew on it, so I drink out of it more! haha. i'll typically fill it and drink it down twice a day, then have another 16.9oz bottle with some crystal light sort of thing. that's 8! :) i drink the most during workouts, especially during outdoor stuff in texas heat. i also force myself to down a bottle before i go out for drinks. helps fill my stomach up to discourage as much alcohol, plus keeps the hangover manageable :)
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    A straw and no ice helps me drink more.
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    Ok don't laugh but I drink my water from a 4.5 cup/36 ounce measuring cup... I drink two full measuring cups and that gives me above the recommended 8 glasses a day.... It's a lot less intimidating in my mind to only have to fill that measuring cup up once versus an 8 oz glass eight times...
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I always keep water at my desk, the whole time I am here. I keep it next to my computer, so I see it throughout the day. It reminds me that I need to drink, so I just keep drinking. When Im home I dont drink that much, but at least i drink here at work.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    With my mouth.
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm confused by this too- how big (small) is a 'glass' anyway? Do other beverages (that must also contain water) count?
    Per day should I drink 1/2/3/4 litres? Ideally.
    And when I exercise I sweat a lot and so I drink water to rehydrate but should that water count or not- as I've sweated it off?

    Not a natural water drinker - prefer it mixed with something or tea/coffee - but willing to try if I knew what to aim for. Thank you.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    I have a water bottle that holds 1.5 litres(50 oz). I make sure that I drink at a minimum one bottle per day at work and then with my work outs I consume the rest (enerally 2-20 oz bottles)....

    I also add either lemon juice or lime juice to it because i can't stand plain water.

    I have, over time, cut out most other drinks...
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I drink anywhere from 80 to 100 oz of water everyday (if I do a hefty cardio workout, then much more than that) I find that it helps me feel lighter because my body is able to shed all the excess salt and water that will be held onto if you become dehydrated.
  • I try to always have a bottle or glass of water in front of me and I just drink them throughout the day. I usually go over the 8-8oz. but I only log the 8. I usually end up consuming 16-32oz from before/during/after workout. Then I usually have another 8oz glass and a bathroom trip before bed. I say just start by mindlessly drinking it throughout the day, you'll be amazed how easy it is to drink.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I drink between 15-20 cups of water a day. Without at least 12, I feel so thirsty and dehydrated.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    I use a water bottle that holds 4 servings...drinking 2 of those doesn't seem like as much of a task. Same amount, just a mind trick thing, I guess.