
Hi all,

I am on a gym routine to drop 10kg, or ideally drop just 5kg and replace 5kg of fat with muscle. I've started hitting the weights a bit more, I'm doing two days per week on weights / 4 days cardio / 1 rest day.

Does anyone have any tips how I can super-charge my efforts through what I am eating? Are there any supplements that might help?

Thanks :-)


  • pixelsurgeon88
    pixelsurgeon88 Posts: 39 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing and you wont need any supplements! good effort so far!
  • rladd6421
    rladd6421 Posts: 455
    I use whey protein after my workouts, it helps with recovery and building lean muscle.
  • SuperSmudger
    @pixelsurgeon8 - thanks, a lot of hard work, but worth it. Just need to take it to the next level :-)

    @rladd6421 - yeah that is one of the main reasons I'd like to try a supplement, for recovery.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet....shoot for a minimum of around 1 gram per pound of lean body mass (this requires that you have some idea of your body fat percentage). If not, shoot for .75-.80g/pound of body weight. This is probably the most important "supplementation" you can do. A good quality whey protein can help pack it in without a lot of extra calories, fat or carbs. It's very difficult to gain muscle while eating at a deficit, but enough protein and a good weight training program will help you retain the lean body mass and shed the fat so your muscles at least LOOK bigger/better.

    I'm not big on the pre-workout stimulant supps like NO-Xplod and the like...they give me the shakes and amp me up too much. Some people like them, so YMMV. Other than the whey protein, I don't do any other supplementation other than trying to eat good and getting plenty of rest. Your muscles don't grow in the gym, they grow while you're resting, so give them plenty of opportunity.
  • SuperSmudger
    Great advice there, that's the sort of stuff I don't have a clue about. Thanks