Fitting in exercise

My work as recently moved location which means I am now travelling two hours to work each day.
I leave at 6am and I arrive home again about 6pm, and I am having real trouble fitting in exercise, as I hate getting up early but I am always too tired when I get home.

My question is to those who have long working days and get up early and exercise or exercise after work. How do you do it!?!


  • milu1f
    milu1f Posts: 21 Member
    wow thats alot!
    I have an hours drive, so what i do is i make my dinner the night b4. Maybe wraps with chicken and stuff like that and eat in the car, then i just get changed when i get home and work out soon as i get home. Then on the sofa at night i have a good soup or a salad. If i hit the sofa before i work out it will not happen, im stuck for the night!
  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    Is there a gym near work? Do you get a lunch break? How do you commute? Could you cut out some of that travel and walk/run/bike?

    Getting up early becomes a habit like everything else. Forming the habit hurts a bit that's all.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My brother takes a half hour walk at lunchtime in his parking lot. Do you have time to do some kind of work out at lunch?
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I work 6AM-4PM with a 20ish minute commute. If I get to bed on time the night before I will walk the dogs and run a fast mile in the AM before I leave (usually getting up at 4AM). And I do my strength/workout after work (usually as soon as I get home because it's easiest).

    However, I'm about to move to Utah and I'm not sure how I'll do my workouts since I'll be working a 6AM-6PM schedule plus a 30-45 minute commute. We'll see.
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    I get the train for two hours each way. I could do part of it on a bike, but I live in a small flat with no bike sheds so no where to put the bike. I also don't fancy battling the roads of London on a bike. I think I'd get killed haha.

    There are no decent gyms near work unfortunately :( I'm gutted!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Do the majority of your working out on your days off.

    If you can fit in 20 minutes a day with a walk, or some push ups, sit ups etc at home on your work days. Leave the big work outs; hikes, gym, running for your days off.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I would say, try to just committing to 30 minutes a day (on your work days) and then do more (1-2 hours) on the weekends when you have the time. Might be easiest to keep the the weekday workouts short and sweet.

    Or try to go to bed earlier and wake-up earlier and do 20-30 minutes before work and 20-30 minutes after work.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    work shift is 8-4:30pm M/F
    Im up at 4am, at the gym by 4:50am and make sure I get a good solid hour's workout in. Go to work, shower there and get dressed to start my day.

    Go straight home which is about a 20-25 minute commute (both ways), get dinner going...

    Weekends are my time to do whatever I want. I do though, make sure I get a good chunk of bulk cooking done which makes meal preparing during the week so much easier!
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Is there a gym near work? Do you get a lunch break? How do you commute? Could you cut out some of that travel and walk/run/bike?

    Getting up early becomes a habit like everything else. Forming the habit hurts a bit that's all.

    My boss works out every day at lunch because he doesn't feel that he has time in the evenings. If you have an hour for lunch it might be an option.
  • Katy_V
    Katy_V Posts: 43 Member
    I hear ya ... I work in London too, usually 7am-7pm. I'm a PA so I can't really predict when or if I can take a break in the day. I've taken to doing Jillian's 30DS in the morning (it's only 20 minutes so doesn't hurt THAT badly) and cramming in a run at lunch or in the evening, depending on when I have the time/energy. Do you have showers at work or a gym near the office?
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm in the EXACT same boat as you but I have embraced the early morning workout!! It was a struggle at first but now it's 2nd nature to get up. I'm up by 4:00 every morning but that is now moving to 3:45 since my new workout is longer and I still need to make sure I'm out the door by 6:00. The days that I miss a morning workout, I feel sluggish and horrible so I've decided that I have NO CHOICE but to do it!! There are times I sit in traffic for over 3 hours at night and the last thing I want to do is go home and workout so I have made the choice not to put myself in that situation. Just force yourself to get up early for about a month and then I promise you it will just be a habit and you won't even have to think about it anymore. You'll love the way you feel the rest of the day; plus by burning your calories in the morning, it can dictate how you eat for the day.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I get the train for two hours each way. I could do part of it on a bike, but I live in a small flat with no bike sheds so no where to put the bike. I also don't fancy battling the roads of London on a bike. I think I'd get killed haha.

    There are no decent gyms near work unfortunately :( I'm gutted!

    I know the feeling, used to do the same sort of commute myself :frown: not fun. If you can cycle, it may be worth investing in a good folding bike, admittedly they're not cheap. Possibly go for a walk round where you work during your lunch break? Or as some of the others here have suggested, start getting up earlier to do a exercise DVD or again go for walk round your area.
  • cunninjd
    cunninjd Posts: 17
    I work 12 hour nights, 7 on, 7 off. On the weeks I work , I will either try to do about 20 minutes worth before taking a shower and getting ready for work, or do 20 minutes as soon as I get home and then go to sleep. I usually only work out about 3 times a week on my work days though. I try to do something every day when I am off though. Even if it is as simple as walking the dog.
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    I have just got back into working out after having to take a year out from due to getting up too early in the morning and not allowing my body enough time to recover. I am just getting back into working out and make sure I do an hour Sat and Sat and an hour twice a week in the evening's, usually Tuesday and Thursday to allow my body time to recover.

    I usually leave the house at 8 and get home at half six and am a single parent. It's not easy but I do miss the buzz when I don't do anything.

    Find whatever suits you just don't overdo it.

    Good luck :)
  • kmodrak
    kmodrak Posts: 13
    Morning workout is the only way I do it. I work anywhere from 8-16 hours a day. If I don't hit the gym first thing, it's not likely to happen. Set the alarm, have the gym clothes between you and the alarm and off you go.
  • slimmermomma
    slimmermomma Posts: 82 Member
    I have trouble with the time too - but find it the easiest to get up early and do a workout first thing. I have about a 40 min commute to work, it is slightly longer on the way home since I have to pick up my son (hubby drops him off in the am) and traffic is a bit tighter at supper time.

    I do try and make it a point to do a little in the morning and evening if I can but it isn't always possible, there are nights that I don't stop until after nine and at that point in the day it is hard to find the motivation to work out. If I at least get the am workout in I don't feel like I have been missing out - you just have to commit and want it bad enough. I don't always enjoy getting up at 5 but I do it (mostly because I hate that my jeans don't button more!) and I don't always want to push through another workout in the evening but I always feel better when I do!

    You just have to tough it out and get yourself into a routine that works for you, if you commit to doing something for a month you will be set - after the month you will not even notice it, you just have to be willing to make some changes it takes time but if you are willing you will do it. Hope this helps and don't get discouraged - remember that your last routine wasn't always there you had to develop that too - this is just a new phase. think of it as a chance to revamp your workout and maybe try something new...
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thats a long commute. Can you fit in during lunch? I personally hate working out at lunch, you never have time to shower and fix your hair, but it might work for ya??
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I'm thinking that doing it first thing in the morning is the best idea, so I think I'll try that!
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I do it first thing in the morning. If I waited till I got off work Id put it off and or struggle through it. try adding 30 min a day either in the morning or evening. I love morings that way its done, you are energized and you wont feel guilty about not doing it.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I have a similar schedule as you, and I do the 30 Day Shred DVD immediately when I get home. I can't get up any earlier (and I don't like exercising in the morning anyway) and I know if I wait after I get home, it won't happen. After a while it becomes a habit and you feel really weird if you don't do it when you get home. Try to do a little more exercising on the weekends too.