Getting past a weight-loss plateau?



  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I had only lost 2 lbs in two months after losing at a steady pace from January to May. I've been running more and with the same fear everyone has of upping their calories, I did it anyway. I first went from 1530 to 1790 then to 1970 and finally this past week I went to 2130 cals/day. Woohoo! I lost two pounds in the past week! The scale actually said I was down four this morning, but I'm afraid to believe that. I kept getting off and on the scale because I couldn't believe it. I'm a definite believer in the eat more method. There is no way I could survive on 1200 cals/day.
  • loveskinny27
    loveskinny27 Posts: 94 Member
    So I went on a site and it said 2672 for my TDEE. Is that how many calories I should be eating? Myfitnesspal says I should only be eating 1200 and that's all I have been and man has the process been slow!

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    My TDEE is 2266 and I can lose on 1750 cal maybe more if I'm very active. You have a lot of room to up your calories, start slow if you feel unsure. It was overwhelming at first thinking about eating that much when for 5months I'd been on strictly 1200 cal.

    MY BMR is1280, which is why it made sense to me to eat 1200, now its clear the goal should be somewhere between BMR and TDEE. It might take some tweaking to find the right numbers but in the end you will feel so much better nourishing your body.

    Firstly thank you to everyone who has posted a reply I have found this very helpful.
    I think I will start and up my calories slightly and jiggle my exercise about I may up mu intensity & add another days running or circuits.

    I walk for 40 mins 5 days a week Then in addition I do circuits once a week and then run 2 days a week. I usually have a rest day on a weekend but end up doing household chores also.

    I agree with ^^^^^
    It is so hard to consider eating a lot more calories & fat when you have been loosing on such low 1200cals a day _ like I say i usually eat around 1400 but finding the plateau a bit of a brick wall.

    I will keep you posted with my progress I am weighing in on friday so hopefully my weight or at least measurements will have lowered.

    Thank you everyone again

  • Garethkk
    Garethkk Posts: 21
    Dare I say "intermittent fasting"?

    YES ! Everytime I get in a plateau, I do this for awhile and always jumpstarts weight loss. I don't eat any less calories, but just eat them in a different way.

    Good! I didn't want to rattle any cages as it's fairly controversial, but there's some very sound science behind it :)
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Plateau?!? There is no such thing as a plateau!!

    Calories in-calories out! Eeezy-peeezy.

    Have you guys ever heard of the 2nd law of thermodynamics!!
  • Garethkk
    Garethkk Posts: 21
    Plateau?!? There is no such thing as a plateau!!

    Calories in-calories out! Eeezy-peeezy.

    Have you guys ever heard of the 2nd law of thermodynamics!!

    Of course! Brian Cox makes it easy ;)
  • Gnienay
    Gnienay Posts: 1
    I am in the same place..... Down 23 pounds with 26 more to go.......Started in April as well.

    An suggestions would be much appreciated!!!
  • I don't know about eating more to break the plateau...As you get smaller, your body burns less calories so it's natural you would plateau if you're eating the same amount of calories as when you were heavier. I would say eat less, and don't change your exercise routine while also cutting back on starches.
  • Thanks everyone! I never heard of TDEE before. I've hit plateau's in the past and never knew how to get past them. Now I have a much better idea of what to do when I hit a plataeu again. You guys are the best!!! I learn so much from this site.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Based on your stats and workout routine, I would have you around 1800-1900 calories if your BMR is estimated correctly. You can also adjust the macro's to increase protein. I generally suggest 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats.
  • loveskinny27
    loveskinny27 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replys I am Low carb this week & going to have a nosey at intermittent fasting? never heard of this before but i will give anything & everything a try to get this weight loss going!
    Ive never really hit a plataue before I've seen it on the bigest looser when contestants try for weeks to get past a certain weight and they cant and I'm like how? why you have all the training, exercise & diet etc how?? and now I know & I feel as though thats me just gant get those numbers rolling down...........

    I will update this week at weigh in . :-)
  • beckeyminch
    beckeyminch Posts: 6 Member
    Someone may have suggested this somewhere but I haven't had a chance to read through all the post so I apologize. I had the same problem around my 68ish pound lost. I was typically losing 3 lbs a week and it came to a screeching halt all of the sudden. I started searching for the reason. The first thing I found out was I actually was not eating enough. And my after I purchased a heart rate monitor I found out that I was burning way more calories that what myfitnesspal was telling me I was burning. According to MFP I was burning 340ish when in reality it was closer to 550. I talked to one of the very nice trainers at the gym and she told me to increase my intensity of my work out. So I started researching ways to increase the intensity. I stumbled upon high intensity interval training. So 2 weeks ago i started working using HIIT. I warm up to my target heart rate of 150 for 3 mins on the elliptical and then I go balls to the wall for a minute then I recover for 2 mins then balls to the wall for 1 min and alternate for 30 mins.
  • I found this ->
    It has a good explination for every Diet Buzz-Acronim

    Thank you! That website was extremely helpful =)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    A) You need to change up your workout. Shock your body. You'd be surprised how quickly your body can get used to a workout routine. Once your body get's used to it, it doesn't have to work as hard which results in fewer calories burned. You should switch up your workout routine every 3-4 workouts. Keep that body guessing!

    B) You could be gaining muscle. Are you sure that your not losing? The numbers on the scale are only the half of it. If your gaining muscle, then that will show on the scale as well; either as a gain or as a zero. Meaning you didn't lose or gain.

    The best way to target your problem is to change up what isn't working. Your workouts, your diet, etc. And be sure to take your measurements as well, if you aren't already. You may be losing inches and not pounds(due to the strength training)

    Good Luck!