Good Morning fellow Fitness pals

Im new to this site, and finding it very helpful thus far. I am also a member of Sparks. Having sites like this is a very good tool for accountibility. I find that writing and journaling is the best way to keep tract of what your doing. Thats why when I started my journey(feb 09) I wrote down everything, I lost 50 lbs over the year. I am now struggling with the added weight that came on over the holidays( 10 lbs) which is why Im here...
Hope that whatever your goals are for this year you are all successful.


  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Just keep track of food that is the best way to get a handle on weight control.
  • willows14
    willows14 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree, which is why I write down everything. Sometimes it gets hard, but knowing what is going in my mouth keeps me on my toes....
    thank you for your comment :)