Banking Calories

Whats everyone's viewpoint on banking calories for the weekend?

Do you stick strictly to the day targets or do you think you could still lose weight eating slightly under the daily target during the week and then going slightly over the target on special occasions or nights out? As long as you stay under the weekly recommended targets (all of them) do you think this can work?


  • samanthafernandez

    I'm trying really hard to stick to my limit even at weekends for a few weeks because I find when I don't I end up putting weight on over the weekend which takes me back where I started. Even if I just stay the same over a weekned I'm happy!
  • cravune
    cravune Posts: 28 Member
    I dont see why not, but as I weigh on a Monday, I like to have a day on Sunday where too much salt is not consumed......
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Just wondering because I went way over yesteday but am still under for the week. I'm not beating myself up about it, it was my friends 30th birthday, and I'm going to exercise this afternoon, but I'm just wondering if this could be a good plan for the future. I know I go out at weekends, I know drinking will push me over my daily targets, but I also know I could (with a bit of discipline) quite easily bank a few extra calories during the week in preparation of that. If it will work that is.
  • angelface12004
    I don't use up all of my daily calories and do not bank them, simply because i am not hungry enough to, if i do have an urge to eat something sweet i get a slim fast bar (on sale and my fav) i don't go out for dinner since i know that i would eat way more salt then i am suppose to have. Even before i went on my diet i didn't eat out a lot anyway so that helps, but when i lose 20 lbs i do want to reward myself and haves something that i'm not suppose to have like McDonald's french fries mmmmmm and full of fat and salt.