Anyone have advice for menopausal woman?



  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I honestly think it's easier. I hear younger wemen talking about stuggling with TOM and bloating and PMS cravings. I have none of that. I have lost ~70 pounds in the last year with a platuea from the week before Thanksgiving until the 2nd week of January. I have not been hitting the gym as hard the last two months or I would be lower. Strength trainging has really helped me increase the loss. Plus it just feels good.
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • ceannesjourney
    Why are you so worried about losing 2 lbs a week? It seems to me that if you are eating a lot of vegetables, "real" food, drinking lots of milk and sugar free liquids (2 liters a day at least!), and exercising (even moderately) regularly then you will eventually see the weight loss. Being so concerned about what the scale says instead of listening to how your body feels (great or not), and your clothes losening is, unfortunately, a set up for frustration. I do understand how you feel as I have been at a holding pattern for approx. 6 months but I know I'm still getting healthier and eventually the weight will come off--slow and steady is the best way for long-term weight loss and health gain.

    Take care and good luck!
  • ep3926
    ep3926 Posts: 8
    I need a like button on this response. Thank you!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What you eat is important. I hate to tell you, as we age, our bodies can't metabolize carbohydrates as well as they used to. Stick to fruits, veggies, lots of protein, very little "easy" carbs (bread, potatoes, rice).

    I think this may have more to do with how you've eaten over the years, thAn with menopause. I started limiting the white stuff (white bread, white pasta, white potatoes, added sugar) decades ago and I have absolutely no problems metabolizing carbs now. Brown rice, however, is on my most used list. I love the stuff and eat it often.

    I still stick to the whole grain stuff whenever possible, but when I do eat simple carbs now I have no problems. No bloating or difference in weight gain from carbs vs fat vs protein.
  • woogy1956
    woogy1956 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 56 and dealing with all the major menopause symptoms. I have been dieting and going to the gym with my 20 yr old son and have lost some weight but can't seem to get rid of the middle age spread... very discouraging. When I want to give up the words of my son ring true. He pointed out that a year ago I couldn't walk very far without stopping to rest, especially uphill, and I was so weak I could hardly pick up my end of our picnic table when moving it to mow. Now, walking is a breeze and the picnic table is much lighter. :smile: Be encouraged, we are getting better every day.