How do you drink 8 glasses of water a day??



  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I cut out any other forms of fluids (diet coke, juice, etc.) and sip on water from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I do still drink coffee and iced tea. But, I haven't had any problem getting the water in since I always have a glass going. I think it's really important to get the water in!
  • mnlght535
    Try this out:


    I don't have a problem drinking the recommended amount of water and then some, but I so love this. Thanks for the share :)
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Before I started this journey I didn't drink water...maybe a bottle or two a month...if that - seriously. I drank lots of diet soda and coffee, but literally no water. When I joined MFP, I decided to try to drink 8 glasses of water, epic just didn't happen. I started with a glass a day, then replaced a diet coke with water, then another...and now I drink at least 9-10 glasses a day like clock work. On really hot and active days sometimes more.

    Best advice....up your consumption slowly. Water is good to hydrate, flush your system and move the toxins out, and boosts your brain power and metabolism. Like anything else that is takes time to learn the skill!

    Good luck to you!

    This was me! I never cared for water, so I rarely drank it and now I don't care for the taste of my once beloved diet soda! Still don't get all my water in some days but I feel like this was the best change I made for myself so far!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    I bought a big pretty pink wter bottle from Tom Thumb(Texas) but I have seen them everywhere(Walgreen's, CVS) and it holds 64 oz...Now that I have that it takes the guess work out of how much water I have taken in for a day cause I know if I feel it up twice even with ice I am getting the water I need. Until I got this it was very hard for me to obtain my water goals for the day. And thats all I drink, minus my coffee!!!
  • natalyg
    natalyg Posts: 3
    I used to have a really hard time just liking water. I was so used to soda/sugary drinks that drinking water always felt like torture! Once I cut out soda, it's gotten so much easier because I'm not expecting my drinks to be sweet.

    What's also helped is realizing I don't like having to constantly fill up cups, so I went out and got a 32oz Nalgene bottle and carry that thing with me everywhere! It's especially easy at work, I just keep it at my desk. I'll drink one full bottle before lunch, one before I leave the office, and one during my work outs. It's not a strict schedule, but my body's gotten used to it and now I actually enjoy drinking it. Some times I'll add a lemon or lime wedge when I drink it with food, otherwise, I like it plain!

    Hang in there! You'll get used to, just ease your way in and find what works for you! :)
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I have one of those tall aluminum water bottles and I just need to drink 3 a day to get up to eight 8oz glasses. I sip it during the day and drink majority of it with meals. You gotta start someone. Try upping your daily intake to 6, then 7, then 8 and be then maybe you'll be used to it and it won't be such a struggle.
  • Garethkk
    Garethkk Posts: 21
    I forget to drink water even when there is a full bottle right next to me, so I use an app on my phone imaginatively called "Drinking Water" that makes my phone buzz in my pocket when it's time to down a glass. You can set the number of glasses and the timeframe that you want to drink them in. Works nice :)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Try this out:


    I don't have a problem drinking the recommended amount of water and then some, but I so love this. Thanks for the share :)

    ocd much ? lol
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I drink mostly water. My skin has improved and my weight is dropping more evenly. I do have some tea or the rare soda, but not as much as I used to. I've actually discovered that water is my preferred beverage.

    I drink a 16 oz bottle in the morning with breakfast and I gave a liter bottle that I drink throughout the day. Then another 16 oz with dinner. That's 8 right there and I'll have more if I work out. Considering that 2 months ago I'd only drink water when I ran on the treadmill, the fact that I'm able to do this now is amazing. It was worth it! I just started a bottle at a time and slowly replaced drinks with water.

    I've found with tap water, I hate the taste of the chlorine and whatever chemicals they put in to purify, so adding some citrus works there.
  • georgiag111
    I can't drink plain water so I use mio water enhancer , crystal light or sparkling ice !
  • revawave
    Wow, I didn't know I would get this many replies so soon! To answer some questions, this is basically all the fluids I drink. When I go to restaurants, I will either get water or unsweetened iced tea, I never ever drink pop. Besides milk in cereal sometimes for breakfast, this is all I drink in a day. I have always drank like this since I was a child. I tend to get dehydrated very easily, however I still never feel thirsty and when I do drink a lot I feel sick to my stomach. I also cannot have sugar free enhancers like Crystal Lite because I cannot consume aspartame.

    But I appreciate the replies, and I will try to use some of the advice given here. I do best when I have a straw cup as well.
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
    me too.before 8 am i drink my 64oz (8cups water),during my workouts!!! after that extra, if i drink more water.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Wow, I didn't know I would get this many replies so soon! To answer some questions, this is basically all the fluids I drink. When I go to restaurants, I will either get water or unsweetened iced tea, I never ever drink pop. Besides milk in cereal sometimes for breakfast, this is all I drink in a day. I have always drank like this since I was a child. I tend to get dehydrated very easily, however I still never feel thirsty and when I do drink a lot I feel sick to my stomach. I also cannot have sugar free enhancers like Crystal Lite because I cannot consume aspartame.

    But I appreciate the replies, and I will try to use some of the advice given here. I do best when I have a straw cup as well.

    Check the labels on the Crystal Light, some are not aspartame (it's not my preference either) If I find I'm tiring of water I go for sparkling water. And I have a 33 oz bottle I drink and refill all day for a total of about 6 bottles (a lot) but I am always thirsty for some reason.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    With my mouth, how do you drink? :laugh:
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I have an alarm that goes off every 5 minutes on my work computer. When it goes off, I take a sip and reset it. I get 6 cups in by 3:30 M-F!

    The weekends...still haven't figured it out!
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    the mindless constant sipping is what works for me. i have alot of those double walled cups with lids and straws. for some reason the straw is key for me. it makes it less painful (lol) to be drinking so much water in a day. and you kinda have to commit to drinking a ton everyday until it becomes second nature!

    I found that it's a whole lot easier drinking from a cup with a straw. I have a 24 oz cup at work and one at home that I drink from. I thought it was just me being weird.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    Through a straw!
  • cornucopiaoflove
    cornucopiaoflove Posts: 45 Member
    I started off using Crystal Light as a way to get over my soda addiction, and it took me a couple months but I'm now back on plain, refreshing water. I think my trick is to get a water bottle (mine is a Nalgene), which holds about 4 glasses of water. I know how much I need to drink and it helps me track it. On a side note, if you do use a plastic bottle make sure it's BPA free. The normal water bottles (i.e. Poland Springs etc) are only meant for one use, and can leak chemicals if you are reusing them!
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    How about putting some lemon in it? I'm not a big fan of the water flavoring stuff either, as it's all chemicals.

    I drink about 100-120 oz per day. I have a 32 oz stainless steel water bottle that is always with me. I literally never leave my house without water.
  • tskitzoid
    I can drink "8" glasses a day no problem. With exercise added on top of just dieting now, I can easily PASS the "8" glasses. Just the other day I had 11 glasses.

    In my opinion the easiest way to drink through glasses of water is to have bottled water. I'm actually hoping to buy a refillable water bottle so I'm not using up so many plastic bottles. But I take a sip out of the bottle, and then pour in some Mio water flavour. I can understand not wanting to drink plain water, but I think adding a no- or low- cal flavour can make drinking up that water so much easier.

    I used to drink about 3 soda cans a day, along with juices and such. Now I rarely have soda, juice I have occasionally, except I love to drink Orange Juice for Breakfast. Also, lemonade, and peach tea from 4C is some of my "water" intake as well. Getting off the sugary sodas was hard and it's still hard to not go back to it, but drinking the water seems to make me feel so much better and I feel like I have more energy than when I was drinking other things all day.