Just starting today!!

Hello everyone I think this is a greatl website my cousin joined a few weeks ago and she told me its very supportive so I decided to join as well. I look forward to giving and receiving support to and from everyone as we embark or continue or weight loss journey. I'm focused, motivated and beyond ready to drop this weight. My goal is to lose about 40-45lbs. Wish me luck!


  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome. It is a great site. Good luck on your loss. Feel free to friend me if you want. All the more support the better.
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    Good luck, feel free to friend request me. I just started last Monday and I love the vibe of this website. It's been very positive
  • ciobair
    ciobair Posts: 69
    It's a great site.

    I've just finished my first week, and am still finding my way around, but there's lots of support and good ideas.
  • mocchioni
    mocchioni Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome and feel free to friend request me.
