Family Members who don't understand

MegKat Posts: 23 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I just had a very frustrating moment! I made myself an omelet, I used 1 egg and 2 whites. My mom came home and saw that I was "wasting" them and she decided she was going to eat them. I tried explaining to her why I'm not eating them, as she is supposedly trying to loose weight as well. But she just doesn't get it and she won't listen! AH!

Any advice on dealing with family members like this?


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Rinse them down the drain before anyone sees?
    Or maybe try buying the "egg whites" in a carton...don't know if you live with your mom or who buys the grocery's but it 's a thought.

    Good Luck!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I just had a very frustrating moment! I made myself an omelet, I used 1 egg and 2 whites. My mom came home and saw that I was "wasting" them and she decided she was going to eat them. I tried explaining to her why I'm not eating them, as she is supposedly trying to loose weight as well. But she just doesn't get it and she won't listen! AH!

    Any advice on dealing with family members like this?

    It's not worth trying to change their perception....stick to your guns as far as eating healthy and feeling OK with 'wasting' food
    I also buy the carton of egg whites and use 1 egg and 1 cup egg whites for my omelet
  • Elizzi
    Elizzi Posts: 13 Member
    I understand completely! I am the smallest in my family and I have to work to be this size and work to be smaller. My family does not understand either. They like eat then just excuse whatever they ate like it does not matter. Good luck and stay strong!!!!!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    My parents are from the old school and don't believe in throwing things out either. I haven't lived home for a long time but I visit them often. I try not to let my dad see me throw things out and when he gives me things to take home I graciously accept. I can't say I eat what he gives me, it just makes things easier than explaining over and over again why I choose to eat a certain way. I guess you just have to pick and choose your battles wisely. :bigsmile:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I struggled with this too. I had been, and still am working really hard on getting down to my goal weight. At first I tried to get my husband on board too. While he seemed proud of me I couldn't get him to make the commitment. I'd bring it up off and on and he'd say things like "you don't get to eat anything fun" or "what, now that you're losing weight and getting skinny I'm not good enough for you". After a couple months of pressuring him I gave up. But, the day I hit 50 lbs lost (about 5-6 months in) my husband, on his own, started his own weight loss journey. Now he uses the treadmill regularly and does what he calls "portion control". I've also had many people tell me I've inspired them and they've also started on their own journeys without the pressure.

    The lesson I've learned, just go about what you've been doing. Others will see it and you'll lead by example.

    Good luck!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Save the egg whites. Put them in a freezer bag with her name on it (just kidding...or am I? Lol). Just keep doing what your doing. You will always have resistance when trying to do something for yourself. Just wait until you start reaching your goals and eveyone notices! Then you will see the jealousy.

    I use both eggbeaters and a regular egg when I make breakfast. It saves the "oh no, why are you wasting that!" from reaching your ears. And you areally ARENT wasting anything. Just an idea.
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone! I had the same idea of putting them down the drain. But I also like the idea of saving them for her deliberately! although I wouldn't.

    I have already lost weight with my plan so I don't know why she doesn't listen, but I will forge on!
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