That number on the scale.

Why does that number mean so much to me?

I restarted mfp a little over 2 weeks ago and all I've lost is 4 pounds but Ive been working my *kitten* off, only having one day off a week, and one little cheat meal a week. I've been measuring all of my food, and only drinking water, and alot of it. I am really noticing that im starting to thin out, but that number on the scale just wont move and it doesnt make me feel the best. Im looking better, I can tell, but it always comes back to that number. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat, but is there ever a time where it will start going down? Do I change my workouts? Im mainly doing jogging/walking.about 4-6 miles, and then zumba for an hour twice a week and then a nice hike on Sunday.
My biggest example is yesterday I went hiking and I even jogged up to the top and shred 20 minutes off my time of getting up here last week. I got an amazing workout in but now I went to weigh myself this morning and its 2 pounds higher than it was yesterday morning.
Help me out..How do you deal with that evil scale of yours? Do you just remove it all together, or only weigh in a few times a month?


  • msrn8143
    msrn8143 Posts: 90 Member
    I feel the same way and it's very frustrating. My guess is you dehydrated slightly yesterday during your awesome workout causing your body to hold on to a surplus and it will gradually go away over the next few days.
    I weigh myself once a week which keeps my frustration level to a minimum. I feel my clothes getting looser and I know my energy level is better so I am trying to remember that number on the scale isn't why I'm doing this. I'm doing this for my health and the scale is just a bonus. Doesn't always help but it sounds good! :laugh:
  • ChelsoBee
    ChelsoBee Posts: 26 Member
    Wow that makes perfect sense..Thankyou! Definitely must be dehydration and my muscles retaining the water. I usually dont jump on the scale every day, but tought I better since I had such a good workout yesterday.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Ignore the number and pay attention to your body. I am a scale-a-holic. I weigh every day, sometimes twice a day. BUT I know that it will fluctuate as much as 6 pounds in a day and if I have had a bigger workout that usual I might be up the next day. Pay attention to your body and the way your clothes fit and don't obsess over the number on the scale.
  • Hello,
    You have to remember sometimes we loose inches instead of the numbers on the scale going down, this is why your clothes are fitting that much better. We tend to mark progress with the scale, but that is not true. You mention improving on your workout and being active, this all due to your active lifestyle, remember Rome wasnt built in a day and 4 lbs is a great start for two weeks.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    by the way, 4 lbs in 2weeks is more than what is expected of anyone to lose weight. Your weight fluctuates daily and hourly even so the little ups and downs don't count. You will drive yourself crazy focusing on the scale. Keep it up, it does work over time. Its the long run that counts, its a lifestyle, not a race.
  • Don't worry. Be happy it's coming off slowly. "Slow and steady wins the race."
    The biggest change you are making is to your lifestyle. The pounds that melt away are a bonus on top of that.
    You're doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    I weigh maybe once a week.

    The problem is that a scale is good at one thing only, and that's measuring absolute mass. If i place a pound of iron and a pound of feathers side by side on a table, the iron would take up less volume for the same absolute mass. It's that way with bodies. Muscle weighs more than fat for the same absolute volume, so when you change your body composition by increasing your lean muscle mass and decreasing your body fat, the scale might not change, but how your jeans fit definitely will.

    Unless you're planning on spending cash on regular body composition measuring, the tape measure is what you should be paying attention to, not the scale.
  • triplestepping
    triplestepping Posts: 27 Member
    As others have said, you're doing really well. Don't worry about it and keep it up!

    Good work on your hike! 20 minutes off! Sweeeet! I bet that felt awesome!

    Weigh yourself once a week or so at the same time of day, as your weight can fluctuate by up to a few pounds daily depending on what you ate or drank or what is still in your system. Just keep logging your food, keep doing the exercise and stay positive!

    You're looking better and that's what counts! Sometimes you can be losing inches but not drop a pound!

    The number on the scale is just a number. You're doing good things for your body and you can be proud of THAT!
  • ChelsoBee
    ChelsoBee Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone! I loved all of your comments. I will definitely invest in a tape measure and use that more than the scale. You all rock!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Anybody have thoughts regarding dairy