What Do You Look For in a Personal Trainer?

I just got my certification, and I was wondering what you would specifically look for in a personal trainer? Would you ever consider some of the online training programs, where you communicate daily with your trainer, and follow the plan they create for you? How often do you expect to meet with a trainer? Is appearance super important (I don't mean that they show up dirty either, like should they wear a lot of clothes, or would a tank top and shorts suffice)?

I am looking to branch out and take on clients after my fitness competition, so I was wondering about this stuff. I want to make sure I don't forget anything.

Thanks for your time.


  • jennc37
    jennc37 Posts: 81
    I have a personal trainer and I absolutely love her!
    I think professional dress is important..and modest! Maybe capris and a shirt? I don't think I would continue to go to my trainer if she wore short shorts and a tiny tank top..it would make me feel uncomfortable because my body is definitely not good enough to wear those kind of clothes!

    I see her 1-2 or 3 times a week. I think it is important to see her at least once, twice is better but 3 times is best!

    As for online, i have never tried it, and I personally don't think it would motivate me as much as seeing someone in person, but I guess you never know!
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    Well I have to say that you look like a personal trainer so that's a plus. I'd do what it takes to get in great shape like you. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would want someone to train them online. I wouldn't want someone yelling at me while I'm working out. All the best! I'm sure you'll get a lot of clients.
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    I have a personal trainer and I was her first male client. My wife and I specifically chose her for experience in training herself and completing the Tough Mudder Challenge. She is very good at what she does - we like her philosophy on training.

    Personal Trainers are like other professions where a personal relationship has to be built - the more someone trusts you the more apt they are to come to you. WORD OF MOUTH works wonders!

    Never tried an online program but I like the personal one-on-one face-to-face time. Works best for me.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    If I were to look for a personal trainer, what you wear wouldn't be as important to me as you seeming to be someone who truly cares to help rather than doing it for personal gain. Of course you're gaining a pay check, but it's nice to know someone really cares and wants to help. I prefer one on one. Online communication wouldn't bother me as I prefer working out alone, but an initial meeting or occasional face to face meetings would be nice for accountability reasons and to make sure I knew I was doing the exercise with proper form and technique. I feel face to face is more personable also. I like to make a connection with people. :) Hope that answered some of your questions! Good luck at your competition!!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I've just started seeing a trainer and he just wears t shirts and basketball shorts. If I had a woman trainer I think seeing her in teeny tiny clothes would both motivate and depress me at the same time, but that's probably just me. I don't see anything wrong with capris or decent length shorts (no need for anyone to have their booty and everything else the good lord gave them hanging out lol) and a tank top.

    I see him twice a week. I personally wouldn't do good with an online thing. I would just make excuses to not do it or not push myself as hard. I'm already dreading being too poor to pay my trainer for those reasons because I wonder how well I'll do on my own.

    I would love it if my trainer helped me more on my food but I have a book to help me out and I could probably get one of the students majoring in nutrition to help me.

    Also, I was glad I was set up with him because he is really into weight training and isn't one of those guys who thinks I should just lift a 5lb weight and walk on the treadmill. Our "goals" (for lack of a better word I guess) match up and to me that's probably the most important thing in a trainer
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I have a personal trainer now and have had one in the past. I try to get references and also a personality match is just as important. Someone that actually takes an interest in your goals and gives you tips other than just the time in the gym. Appearance I would say as long as they are in shape and wear gym clothes don't show up to train me all stinky and sweaty. I wouldn't do the on line training at all. Of course it probably depends on what level of fitness someone is at the goals they have and the budget. Good luck on your competition.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, I recently started with a PT at my local gym. I am a 54 yr old female and riddled with OA. For me it was important to pair me with someone who would be willing to take the time to understand limitations with my 'bones' and find alternative ways to do certain strength exercises, all while the long term goal is to strengthen those 'bad' areas. My PT is male, and I think we 'click' and work well together. In the past I had once upon a time a female PT for a very short time, a complimentaty 2 session deal. The issue I had was that she was very young but did not seem willing to understand limitations of persons 15+ years older, she was tiny as well, and I did not feel like she could relate to me at 5'10". But as mentioned you have to be willing to do some homework.. She also dressed in skimpy cothing to which I did not find apealing given I have over 300lbs at the time. I think you attire should be covered, there is nothing more distracting that low cut tops or high cut shorts, a PT is not a t the gym to pick up a date.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I agree with Jenn, dress in something comfortable, but not too revealing.

    Personally- I meet with my trainer 1-2 times/week. Nothing is like him being there in person, pushing me to do another rep!

    Congrats to you!!!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    thank you so much for your feedback. Just so you guys know.... I wear regular length shorts and racer back tank tops when I go workout. No booty shorts here. Although I figured I could pull off capris since I would be showing my clients how to do the exercises, if necessary, but I wouldn't be doing a full on workout. I get super hot when I workout!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've had a trainer for over a year and half... and heres what I expect.

    1. Be on time.. if not early. I get it, sometimes life happens and you can't always be there exactly on time, but at least give me a heads up so I'm not wondering where the heck you are.

    2. I don't think I would ever do an online training program.. because to me, that defeats the purpose of a trainer. The whole reason why I have my trainer is to show me what I'm doing and tell me what I'm doing wrong.. and generally that has to be done in person. Yes you can watch videos but until you have a person there with you, it doesn't do much good.

    3. Trianers at my gym wear shorts, pants or capris.. and an Xsport Fitness top/jacket... plus gym shoes. They had a trainer who would show up in dress pants/shoes.. but I don't think he lasted long!

    4. I see my trainer once a week... and text if I have questions/issues. I also take a copy of what we did during the session and repeat that on my own.
  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    I just got my certification, and I was wondering what you would specifically look for in a personal trainer? Would you ever consider some of the online training programs, where you communicate daily with your trainer, and follow the plan they create for you? How often do you expect to meet with a trainer? Is appearance super important (I don't mean that they show up dirty either, like should they wear a lot of clothes, or would a tank top and shorts suffice)?

    1) I look for someone who is professional (polite, on time, no flirtatious behavior) with credentials (I like to see references and certifications); I also like to find a trainer who has a similar body type to mine so I could somewhat see the "future progress" of the work I'm doing. I also prefer if the trainer explains to me the method behind the madness so to speak; I want to know why we're doing what we're doing.

    2) I would be open to an online training program, but I would have to really get to know them first. I wouldn't feel comfortable just finding someone and doing what they tell me for fear of fraud. I also think I would be less hesitant to do a plan like this if I never worked out because I would need the motivation in person at the gym; however, I would be okay with doing an online plan with where I am at now.

    3) I would expect to meet with my trainer once per week at the very least; depending on cost, I would prefer two. Appearance is important in terms of looking clean, professional, and being able to properly demonstrate exercises to me. I think a tanktop and shorts would be fine, as long as the clothing doesn't distract from my workout by making you unable to demonstrate or me uncomfortable because I can see certain private areas.

    I hope all of this helps!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    @KG it really does, thanks so much! I liked your format selection :-)