All-Natural Healthy Cleanse

Does anyone know of any all-natural cleanses that are safe and effective for your body? I'm wanting one that I can do for a few days that will get me feeling less "yuck", for lack of a better word. Any suggestions on products or programs that have worked for you in the past. Thanks!


  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    I personally feel that "cleanses" are in the same category as high colonics or ear candles. I.E., at best they've never been proven to be effective, and at worst are scams. The body cleanses itself, and the best way to help that along is with lots of water.

    One kind of cleanse that does show more evidence toward being effective (and safe) is a hot bath with ingredients like baking soda, epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, etc. A quick google of it will give you a million "recipes." A lot of people feel these cleansing baths are great for kicking a cold, or just sweating out the toxins in general. Fair warning, bring a lot of water (like a liter or more), and be prepared to stay in for around 40 min. and sweat A LOT.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fat...Drink water and avoid alcohol and caffeine and processed food for a couple of days and feel the difference...............Save your money, cleanses are mostly scams and your body is perfectly equipped to cleanse itself....
  • BeantownSooner
    Check out the Ultimate Reset from Beachbody. It's not a 3 day thing but rather a 3 week think but is all-natural and they refuse to call it a "cleanse". It was actually a very rewarding experience which I'll probably tackle once a year. There's also a Facebook group that you can check out as well. Just a heads up, it is expensive since it's a 3 week program.
  • nic2561
    nic2561 Posts: 21 Member

    Came across this a while ago. It's a whole foods type of cleanse. I think it's helpful as a guideline, I've never actually followed this plan.
  • emilystewart43
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I might try an at home, fruits & veggies, lean meats, whole grains and hopefully that will get me feeling normal again. Has anyone heard of the Blue Print Cleanse? A co-worker told me about it and I would love input on that. Seems to be a little pricey but focuses on nourishment with juices rather than deprevation. Thanks again for all the feedback :)