Diets :) Cheap ones

hi there , if anyone has been on a diet which works , please could you let me know which one , also how long it toke to loss weight and how much you loss , that would be a great help as ive try many diets and ended up giving up as they didnt work :( looking forwards to hearing some new tips :)


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Have you tried eating less and moving more? Super cheap. :tongue: Seriously though, reduce calories, eat healthier and exercise- that's all you need.
  • hagan8123
    South beach works pretty good. I did it about 4 years ago, and dropped about 35 pounds.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Myfitnesspal has been the cheapest and best diet I have ever been on! Calories in calories out, thats all that matters!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I absolutely agree with carrieberrie!!!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    :smile: im afraid diets dont work cos most of the time u r cutting out several food groups, so u end up feelin deprived and it s too difficult to keep up for long and any weight u do lose piles bk on after u come off ur "diet"
    what does work is countin calories and movin about more...ur profile with mfp should tell u ur calorie allowance for the day, stick to it enjoy the food u like eating and u shud lose weight. good luck!:smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bHealthy
    bHealthy Posts: 4 Member
    I have tried many many diets but I never lost weight till I added exercise for a total of three hours a week. I can do six days of 30 minutes or 3 one hour days but I must have the exercise. I automatically eat better when I exercise. I think because I look at food calories differently. I always think about how long it would take to work off that "chocolate cake" which has me either passing it up or eating a small piece. And I NEVER eat anything that I don't think taste good. I'll start off with a small bite and if I don't LOVE it. It goes in the trash. I remember walking around Busch Gardens and seeing several people with chocolate brownie waffle ice cream cones. I felt deprived and had to have one so I bought it with the idea that I would eat half. Once I got it, it was just OK. It wasn't worth all those calories and that EXPENSIVE cone went in the trash. I know I am long winded. Here it is in a nutshell...exercise, count your calories, reduce portions of foods you REALLY want, and only eat food that taste good.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Well, I will start by saying diets do not work long term. You need a lifestyle change in eating healthier and exercising daily. It is calories in and calories out that causes weight loss. You have to monitor how much you take in so you will know how much you need to burn to lose the weight. I did the Biggest Loser Lifestyle Change. I bought the books off ebay and followed the program and exercise program then committed to the program to change my habits and I lost 145 pounds inlittle over a year. I have maintained my weight for almost a year now continuing to work the program. God Bless, Brenda
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I don't follow a "diet" but I do limit the processed foods I eat. Most of my meals are lean protein (chicken, fish or lean turkey), vegetables, beans and low-fat dairy. I cut my grocery bills considerably by cutting out all the junk - chips, crackers, desserts, etc. If you go to the grocery store, usually you can find meat on sale (what I buy for the week usually depends on what I can find on sale) and despite what people think, fresh veggies and fruits aren't that expensive, especially if you buy what is in season. Milk isn't too bad anymore, and I buy the store-brand of cottage cheese, eggs, etc. to save money. I think the only things I "splurge" on are the yogurt, All White (it's a containers of just egg whites), raw almonds and the occasional snack like low-cal pudding that I will buy.
  • Mjroxane
    Mjroxane Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all the replys , very uesful , going to give it a good go , seems like i just need to cut of the bad foods , eat more of the good and move more , ( which i have already started :) ) ive started tae kown do, once a week , also doing an keep fit dvd once week and me and my close friend are going to start the gym , so hopefuly all in good time i will end up at the weight i want to be :):) Good luck to everyone :):)