I can seem to loss anymore weight (Please help)

I'm 5'9 Female 17 years old (18 on September 13th) weight: 170

2 years ago I gained a lot of weight

Last August I weighed 215. By December 2011 I weighed 180.
In April 2012 I hit my lowest weight (167)

After April I found I couldn't lose anymore weight. From then to about early July I wen back and forth with counting calories and excersizing to not counting calories or excersizing. My weight would fluctuate no more than 5 pounds.

Since July I have been counting calories (1200-1500) and excersizing moderately* but my weight has state the same.

I'm on the verge of giving up.

*I have to admit I dont work out VERY hard, but enough that you would think I would loss at least a couple pounds.

Also my inches have stayed the same.

Thanks so much for any help!


  • betrayalunknown
    I'll say what everyone who replies will say:

    1) Open up your food diary

    2) Give us some insight on what your exercise consists of
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Second that. Plus are you eating from all 4 food groups and getting enough fiber/water? The best success I get is when my fiber grams are roughly double my fat grams, and I am doing exercise every day. If you are 5'7 then you may need more like 1600 cals/day of whole foods, to keep the burn steady and the loss slow but real.
    keep trying
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    That is huge progress!! Congrats first of all!

    Second, plateu is a natural thing...you need to change things up...unfortunately this differes for people.

    A. You need to start working out harder. Change up your routine to include things your body isen't used to....you are 5'9, go join a volleyball league and spike on people....start lifting different types of weights.

    Re-evaluate how many calories your body needs, you may be taking in too many calories without proper excersise...but this should all normalize if you excersise more.
  • Alinuch
    Alinuch Posts: 3
    Betrayalunkno: 1) I just joined today so I have nothing in my food dairy right now.
    2) My exercise consists of either jogging outside for 15-30 minutes or going to the gym and doing some crossfit plus maybe 15 minutes of some cool down cardio

    Lizotyet: Yes I think I eat pretty good. I try not to eat lost of processed foods. I mostly eat fruit, whole grains, proteins (chicken), and veggies (which I don't eat a lot of)

    Tilran: Thank you! So are you saying I need to eat less calories?

    I'm slightly confused whether I am eating too little or too many calories?
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    eat less
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Plateaus happen. I can't see your diary so here is my opinion without viewing it. Eat more protein/fats and cut your carbs down to below 100 net. You will see a drop and yes it is perfectly healthy and sustainable.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    It sounds like stepping up your activity level and a diet reevaluation might be in order.
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    Over the past year I have learned two things that (for me) break a plateau quickly; exercise and intermittent fasting. For exercise I would do two or three days with VERY intense workouts and then go back to something that was only slightly more intense than what I was doing on the plateau. As far as intermittent fasting goes, there is a ton of information on this site if you just do a general search. I didn't go crazy with it, maybe did two days a week for two weeks, then went back to eating regularly. It's just a card I keep in my pocket to play when I get bored. It always makes me feel great and I see it on the scale the next day and that always feels good too, even if it is mostly water weight! Good luck!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    With your height and weight you are in the normal range for BMI. I don't know what your goal weight is but since you are in the normal range it may be a bit harder to loose. You might benefit from strength training - it will help shape and tone. You can make big changes in how your body looks without loosing much weight. Look at something like strong lifts 5x5 there is a womens group here that has a good explanation of the program. There is also new rules of lifting for women there is a group here on MFP

    Also, It is important to know what you calorie range should be. If you are not eating enough you will hold on to your weight. Check out the link below. It explains how to find out what you calorie goal should be. A lot of people have used it to break a plateau. The calorie target that MFP gives you is anot realistic at times for long term loss so check out Dans thread


    Congrats on the success that you have had so far - you can and will get to your goals!