
I believe if I could I would literally sleep ALL day but of course that can not happen. I am a mother of a 2 yr old and a stay at home wife (right now) I get up at 530 to go on a 45-50 minute walk in the morning but then when I get home my husband leaves and I just want to lay on the couch and sleep the rest of the day. I try to make sure I get things done around the house but I am not even successful in that all the time. The only time I really get up is to use the bathroom, get food, or take care of my son when he needs me. I do have a 2nd workout during my sons nap time but it is only 30 mins. I take an energy supplement before my workouts but that is it. I eat about 1200 calories a day. I am 5'5'' and currently weigh-in at 150. I would like to get down to 140 but I just do not see how because if I eat anything calories above 1200 it seems like I gain the weight. I know all the sleeping is killing my metabolism but I am always tired. I also know I am not the healthiest of eaters but I have been including more fruit/vegs then I use to. I don't "starve" myself but I do go to bed a little hungry. I don't feel I am depressed all the time...besides right now because I put back on some weight. Also I just recently went to the doctor and had blood work to make sure what vitamins I may need to include but I was not really low in anything besides Vit. D and iron. Which I already figured. The Doctor does not seem to be worried about my weight because my BP is 102/64. I just don't know how to get over this hump of being 150lbs.

Any suggestions?


  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Oh honey, I was there just a few short months ago (my munchkin is almost 2). The doc's first guess was depression (which would fit your symptoms), but he ran some bloodwork and I was low on iron. We looked at my diet, and I was ridiculously low on protein. I fixed both of those things, and had some more energy pretty quickly -- enough to get me on the elliptical, anyway (great machine to have at home for when the munchkin is sleeping or otherwise distracted), and once I did THAT...well, the energy kept coming.
    I hope your answer is as simple as that. Please focus on FEELING better before you worry about losing weight. And keep an open mind regarding depression; if your doc can't find anything else, that could be it. Hugs, and feel free to friend me if you like!

    *ETA--I forgot to mention that depression's symptoms can be entirely physical; you don't have to feel "depressed." Iron and vitamin D, both of which your doc said you're low on, can have huge impact on energy levels and how you feel. check out your protein, too. And is there any way you could be pregnant again? That 1st trimester can be horrifically exhausting.
  • notmac
    notmac Posts: 89
    Wow, 1200 calories seems very low, when you add in exercise, and caring for a 2 years old, I am sure you are burning thru them. Sometimes if you are so strict on the calories, your body slows down, maybe try eating some extra calories for a few days, and see if that helps, then returning to your baseline. Being anemic, may also contribute to having no energy, I went through that a few years back. My kids are now grown, but I remember when my son was 2 being exhausted, and being pregnant, so check that as a possibility, you don't want to be limiting your calories so low if you could be pregnant.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    I would suggest upping your calories, eating plenty of the right things, fruits, veg, fish and meats etc, get good carbs and protein and watch the sodium and make sure you are drinking a lot of water.

    It might be worth a trip to the docs just to get yourself checked out.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Set your loss to .5lb a week. With only 10lbs to go, you'll have a harder time losing the weight. With your exercise and a small child, you need the energy the extra calories will provide. Any "weight gain" will most likely be water.
  • MustangGirl05
    I had the same problem after starting a exercise routine, after 6 wks I should have had ALL kinds of energy but had NONE. My Trainer recommended a book for me to read, I did & follow like a Bible, it worked & is working for me daily. It's Eating for Life written by Bill Phillips, the same Author that wrote Body for Life. It teaches you how to eat evenly with proteins, carbs, veggies, fruits, etc. It has saved my Life, I didn't start to loose those last 15 lbs until I started on the eating plan. Just a suggestion for you to try it couldn't hurt right? Best of luck to you on your journey!! 8)
  • Lauran845
    Lauran845 Posts: 71 Member
    Low iron was my first thought too. I struggle with anemia and I can usually tell when my body is low because I feel the same way your described. My husband says my favorite activity is to nap! My only suggestion is to head to the doctor and get a full blood panel done, just to rule out thyroid or other things.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about the constant fatigue?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Low Vit D and low iron will both cause fatigue. Are you on a supplement program now for those?

    1200 is way way too few to be eating at your weight and with your lifestyle. I hope you mean 1200 NET. Even 1200 NET is not enough!!

    Change your activity level to lightly active - you have a baby, and a house to keep up.

    Change your weight loss goal to "lose 1/2 pound a week". You will be given lots more calories. Also make sure you eat all your calories earned by exercise.

    No wonder you're tired!
  • emmoen1
    emmoen1 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am pretty positive not pregnant again, planning on that for next year though. I have not started a supplement even though I know I need to, I am just not big on taking pills... My husband gets on me all the time for that because I will be sore or have a headache and the first thing he always ask is... if i took medicine and the answer is pretty much no. Would anyone suggest vitamin b12 as well? I heard that helps with fatigue.

    But changing my status to light active, I really do not consider it because all I feel I do is lay on the couch and I do not want to go up in calories because I feel like if I eat an extra 200 calories I gain weight. So, I think I will try the supplements first and just find out what works best for me. I have done 2 blood works within the past 6 months and the doctor doesn't seems concerned. She told me I should not be so hard on my self.

    Once again thanks.
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    have you had your thyroid checked?
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You sound just like me. I used to come home from work, take a nap, make dinner and go to bed.

    I went to my Dr. who checked Iron/D and B12. Turns out I was hideously deficient in most and seriously anemic. You can actually get prescription D and Iron. I got both and it's AMAZING the difference it's made. Vitamin deficiencies can make you so tired, you just don't believe it.

    Even if you don't like taking pills, you should look into some supplements. Talk to your Dr. :)